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Items tagged with: openSource

@RaccoonForFriendica do you want to try the new "Card" layout for posts? All you have to do is downloading version 0.4.0-beta02 and try it out! Using Compose Multiplatform, customizing UI is as easy as eating a piece of cake.

This version also contains a fix for the search text field which was not scrollable horizontally when its content exceeded the available width, plus some localization updates.

We're reaching towards the 0.4.0 milestone, just another feature (audio playback) and then it'll be ready to go!

#livefasteatrash #procyonproject #raccoonforfriendica #fediverseapp #friendica #friendicadev #mobileapp #mobiledev #kotlin #kmp #compose #opensource #foss #sideproject

@RaccoonForFriendica new version 0.4.0-beta01 available for testing!

- feat: add "Distraction free" post layout;
- feat: add "Compact" post layout;
- feat: implement post dislike action;
- fix: retrieve post source for editing even for plain text;
- chore: translations update;
- chore: update dependencies.

Moreover, let me wish everyone happy holidays and remember to #livefasteattrash on Christmas and New Year's Eve.

A special and heartfelt acknowledgement goes to all the contributors of the #raccoonforfriendica project, people who helped with code, translations, bug reports, ideas for improvements, design, roadmap and in many other ways. Remember that this wouldn't have been the same without your contributions, and the fact that people who don't know each other (and don't even speak the same language) can meet and create something together is one of the best things of the free and open source model.

Hope we can continue in this direction next year. Thank you everyone, you are awesome ❤️🦝🎄

#friendica #friendicadev #androidapp #androiddev #fediverseapp #raccoonforfriendica #kotlin #multiplatform #kmp #compose #cmp #opensource #procyonproject

Now is a nice time to think about your favourite FOSS projects and people behind it.🎄

But in general it is always a good idea to consider donating or sponsoring your favourite #opensource projects or to show some respect to the free and open source communities and people. 🎁

If we don't take care of FOSS, nobody else will. It is free and we want it to stay free.

Thank you all.

#foss #gnu #linux #opensource #donate #project #sponsor

Nakonec mám jasno, jestli se vrátit ke klasickému Androidu 📱 po několika letech, nebo zůstat u dvou telefonů. Pixel 6a mi přestal nabíjet ⚡, a tak jsem dostal Pixel 8. K tomu mám od @cynik_obecny ještě Fairphone 5. Rozhodnutí je tedy jasné – soukromí je u mě na prvním místě 🔒, a tak si k sobě Google prostě nepustím! 🚫 Přes to vlak nejede. 🚂💨 :-)) A samozřejmě díky Ježíšku :-))
#grapheneos #android #opensource

"One fun anecdote is that companies or governments will often say they need months or years to prepare (CLEAN UP) code for open sourcing. Because on the inside, people allow themselves far worse code than they’d prefer to share with the outside world. Open source code often has higher standards, and it is a great mechanism of keeping you on track."

Says @bert_hubert in his article about long term software development #opensource #dev #coding…

🎉 Aktualizovali jsme na verzi 7.0.0 ! 🎉

✨ Nový redesign vzhledu:

Světlé/beige téma a tmavé/hnědé téma přímo v jádru PeerTube
Vylepšené menu, rozdělené stránky pro knihovnu a správu
Lepší navigace a přehlednost

✨ Nové funkce:

Jednoduchá správa titulků díky novému editoru 🎥
Zlepšená přístupnost (kontrast, klávesová navigace, podpora čteček obrazovky)
Podpora slovenštiny 🇸🇰
SEO vylepšení a další UX drobnosti
Vyzkoušejte nový vzhled a funkce na! Myslím, že si jej uživatelé zamilují. ❤️
#vhsky #peertube #opensource

With #Prusa turning from #openness with its new Core One model and other cases, there is a need to discuss alternative models to cultivate and sustain #opensource hardware. Although promising approaches exist already, it might be vital to identify the necessary patterns of #Commoning. Read my thoughts here:…

#OpenHardware #CommunitySupportedIndustry @OSEGermany cc @GOSH @stargirl

The #XMPP Newsletter for November 2024 is out!

Read about the latest XMPP universe updates and the latest updates on our #standards!…

Enjoy reading! 📰 ☕

#jabber #chat #interoperability #rtc
#opensource #decentralization

@RaccoonForFriendica new version 0.3.4 has been released.

I'm sorry for having released multiple versions in so little time, this is an exception situation and is due to 0.3.2 not being available in F-Droid due to this issue.

The only way was to migrate to a different dependency injection framework and, if you wonder what happened, never use the Koin Annotations library if you want your builds to be reproducible!

- refactor(di): migrate from Koin to Kodein;
- chore(l10n): update German translation (thanks @Thomas for your continuous improvements);
- chore: update dependencies.

Hope this is the last release until next year and, with this, I wish everyone happy holidays 🎉🎄#livefasteattrash

#friendica #friendicadev #androidapp #androiddev #fediverseapp #raccoonforfriendica #kotlin #multiplatform #kmp #compose #cmp #opensource #procyonproject

🎉 Shrnutí roku 2024 na OSCloud: Novinky a pokroky!

🛠️ Co jsme letos přidali?
👉 Vikunja: Moderní nástroj na správu úkolů a projektů.

👉 Find My Device: Lokalizace a správa zařízení bezpečně a jednoduše.

👉 FreeScout: Nový nástroj pro efektivní zákaznickou podporu.

👉 Dokumentace OSCloud: Začali jsme vytvářet přehlednou dokumentaci.

👉 Nextcloud: Váš cloud s OnlyOffice pro snadné sdílení a spolupráci.

💡 Možnosti na OSCloud
🌐 Hostujeme několik menších i větších webů – od blogů přes fotografické galerie až po fóra.
📸 Webhosting pro fotografy s aplikacemi jako Piwigo, Immich nebo Lychee.
💬 Fóra díky Discourse a NodeBB.
📂 Možnost hostingu pro firemní i osobní projekty.

🔍 Naše hlavní aplikace
👉 Talk: Videohovory přímo z prohlížeče.
👉 MxChat: Bezpečný chat založený na Matrixu.
👉 CryptPad: Soukromá kancelář pro spolupráci.
👉 Mastodon: Naše instance pro otevřenou komunikaci.
👉 Pixelfed: Naše instance pro sdílení fotografií běží již několik let a stále roste.
👉 Vikunja: Všechny vaše úkoly na jednom místě.
👉 Wallabag: Ukládání článků na později.
👉 Tiny Tiny RSS: Sledujte novinky s vlastní RSS čtečkou.
👉 PairDrop: Sdílení souborů bez cloudových úložišť.
👉 SearXNG: Anonymní vyhledávání.
👉 PeerTube: Svobodné sdílení videí.
👉 Bitwarden: Bezpečný správce hesel.
👉 Nextcloud: Cloudové úložiště s OnlyOffice.
📢 Na co se můžete těšit?
Společně s @cynik_obecny pracujeme na novém webu OSCloud. Přinášíme přehledné služby a více možností pro naše uživatele!
🔐 OSCloud: Ochrana soukromí, otevřený software a bezpečnost na prvním místě
#oscloud #opensource #bezpecnost #soukromi

A spec release with major T&S improvements, the report and minutes from the first Governing Board meeting, and welcoming Automattic as they continue Beeper's membership in support of @matrix.

Feels good to end the year on a high note! And there'll be even more good news to share soon ✨

#Matrix #OpenSource #OpenGovernance #FOSS

Must admit I hate donation pop-up introduced on @k9mail app and new "In-app purchases" flag on store page :blobcatumm:

It used to be the cleanest e-mail experience I've had on my :android: devices for more than a decade, the same user interface I could trust for years and years :ablobcatbongokeyboard:


#opensource #mozilla #k9mail

🌐 Novinka na OSCloud: FindMyDevice 🌐
Ztratil/a jsi někdy svůj telefon nebo ho potřeboval/a vzdáleně ovládat?
Nyní můžeš využít naši novou službu FindMyDevice, která:
🔐 Chrání tvoje soukromí díky end-to-end šifrování.
📍 Sleduje polohu tvého zařízení.
📱 Odesílá příkazy na telefon.
💾 Ukládá minimální data a vše důležité šifruje.

✅ Pokud nechceš používat podobné aplikace od Googlu, stáhni FindMyDevice z F-Droidu:
👉 FindMyDevice na F-Droidu

🎉 Uživatelé OSCloud mají aplikaci FindMyDevice již dostupnou přímo ve svém Dashboardu.

Více informací najdeš zde:

#OSCloud #FindMyDevice #OpenSource #Bezpečnost

How do you a visualize a contributor community like Thunderbird's? With help from @bitergia, of course! Read our blog on how we partnered up to understand and better support our community - and open up our data.

#Thunderbird #OpenSource #Community…

The Sovereign Tech Agency is looking for an experienced and innovative expert in #opensource #security to lead the Sovereign Tech Resilience program.… #fossjobs #getfedihired

Update time! #LibreOffice 24.8.4 is now available, as the fourth maintenance release in our latest stable branch. All users are recommended to upgrade:… #foss #opensource #freesoftware

@RaccoonForFriendica version 0.3.2 of Raccoon has been released! 🎉🦝🎉

- feat: add Acknowledgements screen;
- feat: support for block quotes;
- fix: prevent crashes while loading timeline;
- fix: load suggestions and trending links;
- fix: retrieve source for post editing;
- fix: user post pagination;
- fix: images overlapping text;
- fix: detect Friendica RC versions;
- enhancement: accessibility improvements;
- enhancement: post preview;
- enhancement: exclude replies from timeline by default;
- enhancement: make Markdown mode always available;
- enhancement: l10n updates.

Thanks to all those who helped by testing and reporting bugs, submitting pull requests or translating the UI. You are mentioned in the home page and, from now, also in a dedicated screen which can be accessed from the "App information" dialog.

You are simply awesome #livefasteattrash

#friendica #friendicadev #androidapp #androiddev #fediverseapp #raccoonforfriendica #kotlin #multiplatform #kmp #compose #cmp #opensource #procyonproject

Lots of development and QA activity happening in #LibreOffice! Check out this summary for November:… #foss #OpenSource

Ich würde es gut finden, wenn der Code auf einem git repo veröffentlicht würde.
Dann könnte man z.B. auch ne thematische #FediMap selber hosten...

$ pip3 search something
RuntimeError: PyPI no longer supports 'pip search' [...]. Please use (via a browser) instead. [...]

Sure, no problem. Let's see …

»JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Please enable JavaScript to proceed.«

Urgh, but okay, #pip is a #Python package manager, they're good guys. Let me just open #NoScript and temporarily allow ... oh no, it wants to run #JavaScript from …

That's what you get after 30 years of using the term #OpenSource instead of #FreeSoftware.

We've edited and uploaded another 24 videos from the recent #LibreOffice Conference 2024! So the playlist is now 51 videos – enjoy learning about the technology and community behind our free and private office suite:… #foss #OpenSource

SearXNG byl úspěšně aktualizován na verzi 2024-12-15-3742d558. 🎉
#SearXNG #OpenSource

Season's greetings with three new and updated guidebooks for #LibreOffice, thanks to our awesome Docs community! Read them and do magical things with the suite:… #foss #OpenSource

@RaccoonForFriendica Finally we have a Weblate project for the translations of the app UI, changelogs and metadata. Hope this will help us all create a better user experience and correct some localization mistakes!

#raccoonforfriendica #procyonproject #foss #opensource #friendica #fediverseapp

Want to know more about the change from K-9 Mail to Thunderbird for Android? We're answering your questions - three of them, anyway - in this latest installation of's "Three Questions and Answers" series!

#Thunderbird #OpenSource #Android…

Really interesting interview on with @doctorow - Can we avoid the enshittification of clean-energy tech?…

They cover a lot of really interesting aspects of #ClimateChange, technology and #OpenSource. There are so many good innovators in the clean tech space, yet even with good motives, the incentives can drive towards #enshittification.

The newest point release for Thunderbird for Android/K-9 has landed on the Google Play Store, with F-Droid coming soon. We’re starting on improvements to the account drawer, and more customizable icons that stay in one place have landed in this release. Thank you to all our community contributors, and see what’s new/changed/fixed in our changelog:…

#Thunderbird #OpenSource #Android

🚀 Novinka od týmu OSCloud! 🌟

S radostí vám představujeme naši vlastní PeerTube instanci:! 🎥✨

📽️ je komunitní platforma pro sdílení videí. Bez reklam, bez sledování, jen čistá radost z tvorby a sdílení. 🐾

Hostujte svá videa.
Objevujte originální obsah.
Připojte se k nám a buďte součástí komunity! 🌍

🛡️ Co je PeerTube?

PeerTube je open-source platforma pro sdílení videí, která nabízí decentralizovaný přístup k hostování.

Žádné reklamy, žádné sledování.
Umožňuje propojení s dalšími instancemi díky síti federace.

🔒 Bezpečnost a soukromí

Vaše soukromí je naší prioritou. Na

Neshromažďujeme zbytečná data.
Data jsou chráněna a bezpečně ukládána.

💡 Proč to děláme?

Chceme vytvořit prostor, kde mohou tvůrci a diváci sdílet a objevovat videa bez vlivu korporací. Naším cílem je podporovat svobodu projevu, komunitní spolupráci a bezpečnost na internetu.
📝 Registrace

Registrace na jsou aktuálně schvalovány moderátory, aby byla zajištěna kvalita obsahu a bezpečné prostředí.
Máte zájem? Kontaktujte mě, nebo @cynik_obecny přímo tady, nebo navštivte
#opensource #peertube #fediverse #Video #activitypub

The 2022 tech layoffs were 70% women. BIPOC, queer, and disabled workers were also terminated at higher rates.

While we can't prevent corporate layoffs, we can ensure the future of the free and open source community is more diverse and inclusive. Outreachy and Conservancy are vital to that future.

@outreachy connects people who face discrimination and systemic bias to internships in free and open source software. @conservancy staff and contractors run Outreachy.

Outreachy corporate sponsorships and grants have been drastically reduced since 2022. This means Outreachy can't offer as many internships to people who face discrimination and systemic bias in tech. Outreachy's normal 60 to 70 intern cohorts have been reduced to 25 to 35 interns.

Please consider donating to the Conservancy fundraiser, in support of Outreachy and the diverse and inclusive future FOSS needs:


A public sector funding initiative should pick up #Mozilla #Firefox and drive it as a community browser indepedent of #Google funding.

A browser is by far the single most impactful gateway to computing resources for people nowadays. (Right after a mobile OS.)

It must not be allowed to fail.…

#OpenSource #OpenWeb #PublicSector #PublicMoneyPublicCode

Hi #Fediverse, let's start our journey here with our #introduction. We are #Turris project by #CZNIC. We develop and produce #opensource #wifi #router with focus on #security running #Linux distribution based on #OpenWrt. Of course, we provide automatic #updates and #root accounts. We have a #network of #honeypots running on our devices and create a dynamic #firewall based on the data.

It is pretty cool that #Conversations_im sales have been paying my rent for the last 10 years.

Not everything needs to be a subscription.

#XMPP #OpenSource

Eine #freiheitlich #demokratische #digitalGesellschaft.

Ist die möglich auf der technischen Basis von Systemen, die von Kapitalgebern finanziert und/ oder betrieben werden, deren Agenda eine libertäre, profitorientierte, und politisch wohl eher eine dem Gegenteil entsprechende ist?

#Bluesky #X #Instagram usw.

#NGO #SelbsthilfeOrganisationen #Vereine #Parteien #Initiativen #Kirche #FediKirche #digitaleKirche #Aktivisten #Engagierte #OpenSource

#Slop is low-quality media - including writing and images - made using generative artificial intelligence technology.

Quelle: Wikipedia.

Open source projects have to deal with a growing number of low-quality vulnerability reports based on AI. See for example this comment from Daniel Stenberg, maintainer of #Curl:

I'm sorry you feel that way, but you need to realize your own role here. We receive AI slop like this regularly and at volume. You contribute to unnecessary load of curl maintainers and I refuse to take that lightly and I am determined to act swiftly against it. Now and going forward.

You submitted what seems to be an obvious AI slop "report" where you say there is a security problem, probably because an AI tricked you into believing this. You then waste our time by not telling us that an AI did this for you and you then continue the discussion with even more crap responses - seemingly also generated by AI.

Weiterlesen bei HackerOne: Buffer Overflow Risk in Curl_inet_ntop and inet_ntop4.

#opensource #AI #LLM #Spam

Wishing everyone a great time at EmacsConf by EmacsConf team starting today in the Internet…

#emacsconf #EmacsConf #EmacsConfteam #foss #floss #freesoftware #opensource #events #europe

Help us to spread the word about #LibreOffice and data privacy! Local communities attend events – like the Czech community did recently at LinuxDays in Prague:… #foss #opensource #freesoftware

Have experience in open source program management, especially within the US legislative landscape? We’re seeking a contractor to help bootstrap Flathub into a self-sustaining entity.

Help us:

• Launch payment & donation systems
• Establish operational governance
• Coordinate financial & legal operations
• Ensure community engagement & transparency…

#Flathub #FediHire #GetFediHired #Flatpak #job #JobAlert #OpenSource #Flatpak #Linux