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Items tagged with: fediVerse

Support Saturday ✨

A new trend where we share links to people or projects that need funding.

Use the hashtag #supportSaturday in your post!

Let me go first:

- @hongminhee - Fedify + Hollo -

- @peertube - PeerTube Funding -

#supportSaturday #fediverse #supportPeople #supportProjects

Self Hosting is an Unhelpful Term

Mathew Duggan has a brilliant post called "Self-Hosting Isn't a Solution; It's A Patch". In it, he (correctly and convincingly) argues that compelling people to run their own computer services is a complex and distracting crutch for the current problems we face.

It's expensive to self-host, there are moderation problems, and the difficulty level is too high for most people.

But, in my opinion, I think he misunderstands something about self-hosting because, as a term, it is both misleading and unhelpful. When people say "Defund The Police" what they mean is "Move funds away from miliary style policing and give it to trained mental health professionals" - what people hear is "Abolish the police and let anarchy reign".

The ability to "Self Host" doesn't just mean "run this on a Raspberry Pi in your cupboard and be responsible for constant maintenance". Yes, you can do that if you're a masochist, but it isn't restricted to that.

To me, "Self-Hosting" means "I am in control of where I host something". I currently pay a company to host this blog. It has previously been hosted on Blogger, WordPress, my own VPS, and a variety of other services. Tomorrow I could decide to host it with a big company, or I could run it from my phone. I get to choose. That's what "Self-Hosting" is - a choice in where to host.

Similarly, Mastodon allows me self-host my account. I can have my content on one of the big servers and let them do moderation, storage, and maintenance for me - or I can move my account anywhere I choose. To a server in my cupboard and back again.

Email is similar. I know people who've gone from CompuServe, to HoTMaiL, to Gmail, to their own domain, then to OutLook. Their address-book moves with them. Forwarding rules ensure incoming email is routed correctly. They can choose to actively moderate spam, or outsource it. They can pay a company to host, keep backups in their basement, or watch adverts in return for services.

I agree with nearly everything Mathew says in his post. It is absurdly privileged to think that running your own services is something normal people want to do and are capable of doing. Strong regulation helps everyone, people want simplicity, and ecosystems can be fragile.

But witness all the people moving over from Twitter to new networks. Do they care where their data is hosted and how it is maintained? No! But they want to move their social graph with them. And when BlueSky and Mastodon collapse, people will want to move again.

In the UK, I have the ability to move my phone number between hundreds of providers. If I'm particularly techy, I can even run my own infrastructure and route the number there. People love the fact that they can leave crappy service providers and move somewhere cheaper or with with better customer service or whatever it is they value. I think that's a form of self-hosting; I get to choose who provides my services.

Similarly, I believe people have a desire for "self-hosting" which is difficult for them to articulate. They want to move their data around - be it old photos, a social graph, or a username. Most of them don't really care about the underlying technology (and why should they?) but they do care about continuity of service and being able to escape crappy service providers.

So, that's my reckons. Self-Hosting means you can choose where to host, and I think most people can find value in that.

What do you think?

#fediverse #ReDeCentralize #SocialNetworks

#flohmarkt needs an #accessibility review to leave beta phase.

Is there someone in the #fediverse who can help on #a11y?

Boosts :BoostOK: highly appreciated!…

Bohužel ale nejsou schopni/ochotni zprovoznit #bridge z jejich nového #Bluesky do #Fediverse 😬🙄🤷🏻‍♂️.
Psal jsem jim již 2x 😊😕.

🎉 Die heutige #FediverseSprechstunde ist zu Ende.

Ein großes Dankeschön geht an @crossgolf_rebel für den super Vortrag zu den Einblick in die #misskey Familie. Wir haben alle sehr viel gelernt und es beweist sich wieder, wie vielseitig die verschiedenen Anwendungen im #Fediverse sind.

Die Präsentation hat uns Rebel zum Download zur Verfügung gestellt:…

Im Dezember wird es keine Fediverse-Sprechstunde geben, da feiern wir Weihnachten, Silvester und sind mehr im realen Leben mit Menschen zusammen.

🗓️ Der nächste Termin für die Fediverse-Sprechstunde steht bereits fest: Donnerstag 23.01.2025 um 19:30 Uhr
Dazu wird es einen Beitrag zu Hubzilla von @pepecyb geben.

Weitere Details folgen.

Lang lebe Fediverse! :fediverse:

Für Interessierte an #LiboriSocial haben wir unter eine Willkommens-Seite eingerichtet, die den Start auf #Mastodon und im #Fediverse erleichtern soll.

Schaut gerne mal rein. 😁 🦚


Před pár dny jsem tu sdílel info, že botník končí a že se jeho boti stěhují na

Dneska jsem se tomu trochu věnoval a ukončil 2 boty, ale hlavně...

Na aktuálně běží reálně několik stovek velmi zajímavých informačních zdrojů, počínaje ofiko @NationalGeographic a konče třeba @BBCNews.

Když si do Explore zadám a nechám zobrazit všechny výsledky, je jich opravdu moooc a jsou hodně zajímavé, tak to zkuste.

#fediverse #tip_mastodon

Im #Newsletter gibt es einen #Bluesky #Guide mit einer klaren Nutzungsempfehlung.

Kein einziger der fragwürdigen Punkte wird angesprochen oder die #Fediverse - #Bluesky Bridge erwähnt.

Hm, schade ... 🤔
#FediKirche #digitaleKirche #digitaleNachhaltigkeit #selbstbestimmtDigital

V rámci dnešní prokrastinace jsem dal unfollow účtům, které jsou 1) víc jak rok mrtvé a 2) nesledují mne. Udělalo mi to radost a cítím se trochu volněji :-)

Odslednul jsem i pár mlčících Pirátů. Ti sice jistě dostanou za pár měsíců příkaz ke kampani na všech sítích a obživnou, ale o takové nucené účty nestojím. Nešel jsem na #fediverse, abych byl produktem pro cílenou kampaň.

Ve fediverse slýchám, že potřebujeme obsah, ale čím víc nad tím přemýšlím, tím víc docházím k tomu, že spíš potřebujeme interakce.

Sítí, kde většina lidí jsou pasivní konzumenti a kde většina obsahu je prázdná, protože je dělán na objem, máme dost.

Za sebe můžu říct, že si chvilku ve fediverse užiji víc, když přečtu deset postů a na část zareaguji, než když jich pasivně projedu stovku. A myslím, že v tomhle je krása fediverse, že to jde.

TLDR pomaleji skrolujte. 😁

#fediverse #content has 10K+ users 🥳 🚀

#loops #fediverse #tikTok

Sensitive content

Sensitive content

This afternoon, an acquaintance joined a Mastodon instance and asked me which "celebrities" are present in the Fediverse, as if it were important to determine the value of a social network based on that.

I told him that the most important user in the Fediverse is him. Just as it’s you, reading this. Someone who has decided to interact with others freely. Who has chosen to trust their administrator (or create their own instance) more than they trust those who run traditional, monolithic, centralized social networks.

So, I want to thank all the friends of BSD Cafe, whether local or not, for being here and making this place what it is. And I thank all my friends in the Fediverse, who make my timeline lively, interesting, intelligent, fun, and thought-provoking - every day, at any time.

#BSDCafe #Mastodon #Fediverse #SocialNetworks #SocialMedia #Community #Trust #OpenSource #DigitalFreedom #JoinTheFediverse

Wen soll man wählen?

Es wäre schon wünschenswert, wenn sich die #Grünen in stärkerem Maße #selbstbestimmtDitgital zeigen würden, z.B. im #FediVerse.

Und wo ist eigentlich das #Bündis90 geblieben, in den Jahren?


@noam @support @Friendica Support

Fediverse users: Follow to allow #Bluesky users to find and follow you.

Bluesky users: Follow to allow #Fediverse users to find and follow you.

#BlueSky #Friendica

Reminder to all #OpenStreetMap-contributors who are also active on the #fediverse: you can verify your OSM-account. Instructions here:…

I think it's going to be more important than ever that #Mastodon and the #fediverse are not centrally operated out of the US unlike almost every other social media platform out there.

New: A Conceptual Model of ATProto and ActivityPub

You might want to know a little bit more about how #Bluesky and #atproto works, without needing to know all the technical details. This is a high level overview of how to think about how atproto works, and how it differs from #ActivityPub.

It is also a reflection on the concepts of decentralisation and federation, and what they bring to both the #fediverse and the #atmosphere

Read at:…

Poll: What are you looking for in the fediverse?

(You can check more than one response ... and if you've got other suggestions, leave them in a reply!)

#mastodon #fediverse

  • A Twitter replacement (36%, 21 votes)
  • A place to stay in touch with friends (35%, 20 votes)
  • A place to meet new people (61%, 35 votes)
  • Discussions on technical topics (70%, 40 votes)
  • Music, photography, art, books, and other creative stuff (54%, 31 votes)
  • Potential job opportunities (19%, 11 votes)
  • Promoting my music, photography, writing, art, etc (15%, 9 votes)
  • Breaking news (40%, 23 votes)
  • Mutual aid (19%, 11 votes)
  • A social network that's not run by a corporation making money from my data (89%, 51 votes)
57 voters. Poll end: 3 months ago

Poll: how would you describe Mastodon and the migration from Twitter that started in late 2022 after the acquisition?

(You can check more than one reponse. Or, if you've got other descriptions, please leave them in the comments)

For my take, see Mastodon could have leaned into what it's good at


#mastodon #fediverse

  • A success (37%, 20 votes)
  • A failure (1%, 1 vote)
  • A missed opportunity (37%, 20 votes)
  • Progress (38%, 21 votes)
  • Better than expected (35%, 19 votes)
  • A disappointment (11%, 6 votes)
  • It's too early to know (9%, 5 votes)
  • Other (please leave a comment) (1%, 1 vote)
54 voters. Poll end: 3 months ago

Here’s the server that’s been running my two #fediverse instances and #Hugo blog for the past two years.

It’s a low-power Intel NUC with a Celeron processor, 16 GB of RAM, and a 500 GB SSD. The entire setup lives under my printer and cost less than $300.

Bandwidth demands are modest—just a few gigs weekly. No fancy tunneling involved either. It’s just a straightforward router setup forwarding a couple of ports, a script that updates the server’s IP with my registrar as needed, and a robust Fail2ban rule set to keep things a bit secure.

No more corporate social networks and VPSes!

Wow! I'm making #Bandwagon -- an open source, community-focused alternative to #Bandcamp that anyone can self-host.

As of this morning, there are 99 #Musicians and #Bands who have set up #Fediverse profiles on -- and half of those already indexable on search engines.

So I'm humbled by the number of people who are giving it a go. There's obviously lots of people out there looking for something new.

I promise to do my best to give y'all the tools you deserve.

Alright I'm organizing 6 weekly meetings with some very unwilling participants, so I need 6 loaf cake recipes to win them over... any recommendations? 🍰🍰🍰

Flavours so far:
- orange
- white chocolate raspberry
- pumpkin spice
- rozemary olive oil
- ???
- ???

#fediverse #cake #reccomendation

We just added #forgejo and #sharkey integration to our list of tutorials, see:…
Integrations like this make it very easy to add #xmpp accounts to existing services and #fediverse instances.

Looks like, an open-software version of by the GNU Project, is being reworked to support ActivityPub!

#LibreFM #LastFM #Fediverse #SocialWeb #IndieWeb #ActivityPub #GNU #GNUProject #Music #FediMusic

I'm just going to say it. Whoever designed the new notifications layout and design for Mastodon needs to go back to the drawing board (and UI design school). In some cases, esp if you start off with a tag, it looks and works horribly. (desktop view). Way worse than the old way just a month or two ago.

#mastodon #fediverse #design #uidesign

Frage: Warum braucht Friendica so viel länger einen Account über den Slug als über die Account URL zu suchen?

Wenn ich in Friendica einen Fediverse Account z. B. über suche ist er fast sofort da. Suche ich ihn aber über den Slug dann dauert es bisweilen ewig oder er findet gar nichts, selbst dann wenn der Account in meinen Kontakten ist. Wenn das mit der Suche nach dem Slug so schwierig ist, wäre es doch einfacher ihn vor der Suche intern in die entsprechende URL umzuwandeln damit es flott geht. Oder?

#Friendica #Suche #Fediverse #Accounts #Geschwindigkeit #2024-10-05 !Friendica Support

🥳 Exciting news! @loops, the #Fediverse's answer to TikTok, receives a grant from @nlnet! 🎉

Get ready for a new era of personalized short-form videos, remixes, and community interaction - all with the freedom and privacy of #ActivityPub!

I read that the official Mastodon instance of the Swiss government will be closing down.

They say there are few active users, low engagement, and minimal interaction, which seems quite plausible. Additionally, they claim that "on platforms like X or Instagram, the Federal Council and the Federal Administration have many more followers." I believe that too, of course.

However, I do not agree with their decision. I think a government shouldn’t be overly concerned about follower counts and interactions, but rather about providing free, autonomous communication that is independent of third-party companies. In my view, a government shouldn’t operate like a business focused on "numbers."

Still, I appreciate their experiment - many governments, like the Italian one, haven’t even tried.

Regarding costs and management effort: an instance with 5 users and 3,500 followers (numbers provided by them) can run on a VPS for €3 a month and doesn't require heavy moderation. The cost for them is nearly zero. Yet, the freedom of information and discussion, especially for a Neutral Country, should always be a priority.

I believe that maintaining control over one’s information channels is crucial, especially in today's world. But, I fear that decision-makers only consider the numbers, which often favor the flashiest - but worse - solutions.

Encouraging citizens to use closed platforms is, in my opinion, a wrong choice.

Thanks to the Swiss government for at least giving it a shot.…

#Mastodon #FreedomOfSpeech #Switzerland #Fediverse #SocialNetworks

finally figured out why @mozilla's rejection of the #fediverse is bothering me so much: i had no idea was open to the public. i thought it was only for their employees.…

so am even angrier because this "experiment" was bullshit.

if i, one of the most eager early adopters of tech on the planet didn't get that was open to everyone, then it's their fault millions didn't flock to the platform.


Hagan la magia de #mastodon como se decía en algunos lares y Compartan este post de arriba por favor .

#fsf #fediverse #p4g

Připomínáme, že druhý ročník srazu Mastodon a fediverse uživatelů se blíží! 🎉
📅 Datum: 11.10.2024
📍 Místo: Hospůdka Do Větru,
Těšíme se na vás všechny, ať už jste #fediverse nováček, nebo veterán! Přijďte si užít skvělou atmosféru, popovídat a poznat nové lidi.
Potvrďte prosím svoji účast, ať víme přibližně, kolik nás dorazí. Zatím účast potvrdilo 18 účastníků. @mastopivo
#mastopivo #boost…