russia vilely invaded the territory of my native Ukraine. Their soldiers are killing children, women, old people. They are destroying cities and villages. Help to defend my Motherland, donate to Ukrainian Armed Forces:

Author: Daria Strategy

I served with some “high speed” women over the course of my 21 1/2 years in the Army Guard that included a deployment with female troops to a pretty “hot” combat zone in Iraq during 2004. This REALLY pisses me off.

“The Army and Navy just deleted web pages honoring women’s military service—falling in line with Trump’s DEI purge.

This isn’t about readiness. It’s about erasing the contributions of women who served and sacrificed for this country.

Shameful.” - VoteVets…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Hi Simon,

You recently reached out to hCaptcha Support regarding improvements to our accessibility options. Thank you for taking the time to share your detailed feedback. We really appreciate your insights!

We are sorry to hear about the difficulties you are experiencing with our current approach. At hCaptcha, we're committed to ensuring our product works for everyone (and not only "on paper"). At the same time, we must balance accessibility options with robust safeguards to prevent abuse by malicious actors, which is a constant concern. Your suggestion to introduce a text token alongside the cookie is interesting and deserves further exploration.

We would love to discuss your feedback in more detail. Would you be available for a call next week?

Thank you again for reaching out.

Best regards,
Tony Salik
Product Manager, hCaptcha

reshared this

"It takes a village, but not everyone is in your village. That's ok.

Cobble your village together from the smoldering wreckage of the city or country around you.

This is the essence of mutual aid and will be more crucial than ever. Mutual aid isn't just giving money to the friend whose city burnt down before yours.

Share your knowledge. Share your wisdom & your fears. Share your compassion. Share your joy and your tears. Share your skills & yes, even your bills."
#JoanMastodon #TTJ

#ResInt #Kropotkin #MutualAid #Anarchism #AntifaAF #AnarchoSyndicalism #Village

After years of hard work, countless reviews, and tons of community testing, we're happy to share that dynamic buffering has landed in Mutter for GNOME 48!

This improves the smoothness of GNOME across a wide range of hardware and software setups.

Thanks to everyone involved in this collaboration! Special thanks to author Daniel van Vugt from Canonical and reviewers Jonas Ådahl and Michel Dänzer from Red Hat.

Read more in This Week in GNOME:…

#GNOME #OpenSource #Linux

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to GNOME

So you fixed and replaced all your constant error messages with something actually useful, right?…

How about dropping all and anything AI and start implementing some very basic programming practices, such as removing all constant error messages? Offering declarative configuration? Exporting configuration. Expose internals and offer a programmable, hackable UI?…

What an incredible week! Shell notification grouping, Mutter triple buffering - and so much more! 🥳

Check out the latest issue of #ThisWeekInGNOME!

#187 Triple Buffered Notifications…


Welcome to the RB family, PObY-A 🥳…

PObY-A (Privacy Owned by You - Android) is an application which aim to help Android users to improve security and privacy of their devices.

Thanks to the help of its author, A-YATTA, this app finally is RB :awesome:

RB stats: 447 apps (35.8%)

#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid

We Need to Talk About Anti-Web Coding Assistants

It's time. We can't ignore this massive threat to the continuing health of this platform we all love.

@vale has done a deep dive into what the bots think is the state-of-the-art of #WebDev and…uh, it's alarming. 😬

We can, *and we must*, expect better of the tools being thrust in our faces as the future of “whatever”.

reshared this

TIL the entire GNOME design team (and nearly everyone outside of the Linux bubble that I’ve told about my work with GNOME) are:

>young folks with a pretty weird obsession about feet and a tendency at cringing at stuff unless it's bland and devoid of any personality

I wouldn’t say modern GNOME and all of the design team’s work is bland and devoid of any personality, but I guess what do I know?


Se ve a lo lejos en el campo
Sigue a Frodo, anda despacio
Le pide que le espere, nosotros esperamos

Algunos van por delante porque Sam adelantao
Hay quien no quiere reírse por si Sam fadao
Pero alguien asegura que Sam perdonao
Se abrazan los hobbits porque Sam enamorao
Van tarde porque los trenes Sam retrasao
Les acompañan Samba Lenin y Samanta Hudson
Cantando Sam body once told me the world is gona roll me

Hay gente que silencia el hastag porque Sam cansao
Otros que al ver que se acerca Sam alegrao tienen listos los memes que Sam preparao
Sam instalao gimp para editar alternativas donde la RAM va lentín (espéreme señor chrome) o le dan un coche a Sam para que vaya rapidín

Hasta que pase el día y Samseacabó


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Happy I Love Free Software Day! 💕

Unfortunately, this year I could not join nor organize any in-person celebration, BUT of course I want to share my gratitude to the many, countless #FreeSoftware services I don’t merely use, but actually depend on.

Last year, I decided to focus only on #YunoHost, because it would have been crazy to list all the projects I use and I love.

This time, even if I will most certainly forget someone, I am challenging myself to mention all the #LibreSoftware my life is powered by.

Without further ado, THANK YOU to:

  • @yunohost, for powering Nebuchadnezzar
  • @fedora, for running my beloved #Framework laptop
  • @frameworkcomputer, for designing and building repairable, #Linux-friendly and truly open hardware
  • @gnome and @GTK, for being just gorgeous
  • @calyxos (thus @LineageOS), for powering my #Fairphone5
  • #Obtainium, for making me directly download apps on my phone, and @fdroidorg for distributing them
  • #AuroraStore, for proxying the download of apps I am doomed to get from Google Play
  • @element, for developing #Synapse, even though the new proprietary Synapse Pro is VERY PROBLEMATIC AND DISAPPOINTING
  • #Fractal, for being the most beautiful and awesome #Matrix client ever
  • @signalapp, for keeping me connected with the people I love
  • @Mastodon, for also maintaining a feature-packed experimental fork (#GlitchSoc), that is what Pan runs
  • #Tuba and #Moshidon, for being the most beautiful and awesome #Mastodon clients ever
  • #Firefox, for still remaining the best possible #browser choice, despite #Mozilla’s governance messiness
  • @openstreetmap, for allowing us to find the right path, both literally and metaphorically!
  • @organicmaps, for being the simplest, cleanest, yet feature-rich #OSM client and navigation app
  • @protonvpn, for making me browse safely from/to anywhere in the planet and @protonprivacy #ProtonMail, for hosting my email, despite the latest alarming political statements…
  • @libreoffice, for allowing me to draft documents with ease, the last of which was my #CV
  • #LanguageTool, for preventing me from making embarassing spelling mistakes
  • @photoprism, for safely storing and indexing all my photographic memories, on Aby, and for providing stellar and friendly support too!
  • #Actual, for moderating the very likely risk of ending up completely broke, since it forces me to manage my finances consciously and coherently
  • @readeck, for storing and sorting ALL my varied and overwhelming inputs
  • @nextcloud, for storing and synchronizing my data, for its #calendar, its #tasks, and all its awesome apps
  • #Rustdesk, for preventing my friends and family members from going crazy, by allowing me to remotely connect to their devices and directly address the issues they have
  • #Listmonk, for sending out my newsletter
  • @eleventy, for powering all the websites I maintain, above all the virtual representation of my mind, and for being the only reason why I resist and try to continue learning #JavaScript
  • @forgejo, for giving us a chance to truly control and collectively develop the sources of our software, but most importantly @Codeberg, for RESISTING, RESISTING, RESISTING, despite the hatred and attacks nazi assholes throw at them
  • @musicbrainz for keeping music knowledge open and free, and @ListenBrainz for scrobbling the crazy music I listen to
  • The @fsfe, for promoting this celebration and fighting the good fight!

Lastly, but most importantly, the biggest thank you goes to all the free software libraries and dependencies the above mentioned #software are made of/built with, including #C, #JavaScript, #Python, #Rust, and all community-maintained programming languages.

I am super sorry if I forgot someone!

#OpenSource #ILoveFS #SoftwareFreedom #Fairphone #Android #LineageOS #FSFE #OpenStreetMap #PhotoPrism #LibreOffice #Readeck #Eleventy #11ty #GNOME #Signal #forgejo #Codeberg #MusicBrainz #ListenBrainz #MetaBrainz

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The world needs secure communication more than ever, as a bulwark against the surveillance, authoritarianism, and oppression increasingly enabled by Big Tech. Matrix seeks to meet that need, as an open source, decentralised, encrypted comms protocol.

But Trust & Safety is more difficult in a decentralised environment. How are we building a safer Matrix?…

#Matrix #Security #Privacy #TrustAndSafety #OpenSource #FOSS

TravisR reshared this.

💗 It's no secret that #iLoveFS - and it's worth pausing for a moment today to share my gratitude to so many that help me (and many others) live a life free of the abuses of proprietary software.

What projects are you grateful for using regularly and take for granted? Here's my list of those on the Fediverse:

@fdroidorg @debian @fedora @gnome @matrix @signalapp @nextcloud @Mastodon @moshidon @thunderbird @GrapheneOS @prosodyim @inkscape @GIMP @Kodi @homeassistant

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource

in reply to Michael Downey 🧢

:opensource: 🇺🇳 Similarly, as part of $dayJob, here are the top 10 #FreeSoftware daily drivers I recommend to folks to try to start using in their work.

1️⃣ @signalapp :signal:
2️⃣ @libreoffice :libreoffice:
3️⃣ @nextcloud :nextcloud:
4️⃣ @torproject :tor:
5️⃣ Firefox :firefox:
6️⃣ @matrix :matrix:
7️⃣ @Mastodon :mastodon:
8️⃣ @fedora :fedora:
9️⃣ GitLab :gitlab:
🔟 uBlockOrigin :ublockorigin:

#iLoveFS #OpenSource

Happy feast day of Cyril & Methodius, everyone!

We celebrate their day every year as a non-denominational Feb 14 alternative of languages, learning, and books. Want to learn a new alphabet or tell a linguist you appreciate their work? Today's the day!

Find out more:…

#CyrilAndMethodius #CyrilAndMethodiusDay #ValentinesDay #linguistics #language

in reply to Winter blue tardis🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis Yes, we're using the Catholic/western feast date rather than the Orthodox one (not out of any particular bias towards the western church, just because this whole thing for us started when someone on our forum went "hey what other saints are there for alternatives to Valentine" about 10 years ago so we started from the day!)

There's also multiple different May dates on which they're celebrated and Czechia & Slovakia have a bonus day in July apparently! They hop around the calendar a fair bit :)

in reply to Exilian

I did not know that. Thanks for sharing. I don't believe in any of these faiths, or religions, but I do respect the guys who decided to create the alphabet, first, it was called glagolitsa, then the students of the brothers made it Cyrrilic, this is what we've been taught. In any case, there is old Bulgarian where the original alphabet can still be seen, though it is unreadable for text to speech, so I have never read any old texts, though they exist.
in reply to Casey Reeves

@xogium O, I got you covered.
The year is 2012. Someone was asking about an RSS reader for phones.
For whatever reason at the time I was using the old Infovox voices and it said this one particular phrase very weirdly. 'RSS readers for phones' became 'RSS arders for phones.'
To this day nobody seems to know why.

As a result, I decided to type that a bunch of times into notepad and have the screen-reader just read it, as you did, no punctuation. This is what happened...

Zach Bennoui reshared this.

Hallo #fediverse #poweruser, @helpers

Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es, im Fediverse mehrsprachig aufzutreten?
Kann man bei #zweisprachig-en Schreibern #Sprachen ausfiltern?

Das #Übersetzungstool der App ist nicht so gut.

Ich würde gerne mehr Leuten folgen, die Muttersprschenbeiträge, wenn ich sie nicht verstehe aber direkt ausblenden.
Ich weiss such, dass ich die Sprache des Posts markieren kann, aber wie ist das zu filtern?

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to wolf

Danke für die Rückmeldung.

Tatsächlich nutze ich das auf dem Friendica-Account. Das funktioniert aber nur auf der Webseite, hab zwei Apps aufprobiert, die die Filter nicht übernehmen.

Da hab ich einen Europakanal. Ungünstig ist, wenn dann jeder zweite Beitrag in Landessprache ist.
Für mein Profil war der Workaround einen nur englischen Account. Mit Multiaccount-App geht das. Aber bläht eben das fedi auf und nicht jederleut Geschmack 2+ Accounts zu pflegen.

English ist für mich persönlich am einfachsten News von Portugal bis Lettland zu folgen.
Das finde ich bei den Magazinen auch schade, das viele nur in Landessprache berichten.

Da schwebt mir sowas wie Arte vor, Zweikanal. Wenn ich Franze auffrische, wechsle ich die Tonspur.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to OMG 🇪🇺 🇺🇦

@Pascal_F 🇪🇺

nutze ich das auf dem Friendica-Account. Das funktioniert aber nur auf der Webseite, hab zwei Apps aufprobiert, die die Filter nicht übernehmen.

Das wundert mich. Ich stecke jetzt nicht sooo tief in der technischen Funktionsweise von Friendica, aber dachte eigentlich, dass die TL nicht durch den client beeinflusst werden (egal ob Du den Browser oder Apps nutz sollte bei gleichen accountvoreinstellungen die TL die gleichen Inhalte abbilden).
hast Du mal in die @Friendica Support Gruppe gefragt, wie man wohl am besten eine mehrssprachige Timeline pflegt?

Zu den Apps und Friendica: viele Friendicaner nutzen ja das Fedi via Browseroberfläche, weil die üblichen Apps eben viele der großartigen Funktionen von Friendica leider nicht abbilden Isie sind ja meist auf Mastodon optimiert). Ich war früher als ich noch pleroma, vorher masto nutzte auch sehr auf die Apps fixiert, inzwischen nutze ich Friendica sehr gerne in der Browseroberfläche. Weiß gar nicht mehr was konkret der Vorteil einer App sein soll…

mbox question

Sensitive content

🤔HTML semantics: <abbr> theory versus abbreviation reality

"The HTML <abbr> element is deceptively familiar and attractive, its been around forever (1999) and thus people assume that it does what it does and does it well. Nothing much changed over the iterations of the abbr element definition over the years."

#a11y #webdev #HTML…

The Ondsel Onwards Fund.

Ondsel was a great project which brought huge benefits and development into the wider FreeCAD project. One of the main projects at Ondsel was the creation of Ondsel Lens, a cloud-based platform for sharing and collaborating with CAD files. With the closing of Ondsel there has been some interest in these server-side functionalities of Ondsel being made available to the wider community.…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Happy valentine's day to those who celebrate. For me, you don't need 1 day to tell those you love how much you love them. You should cherish those you love 365 days of the year. You can choose any day to buy them a special treat. If you don't have a valentine, you are just as amazing as you are. We all have unique qualities to offer.

I'm currently looking for a remote software development job

I have plenty of experience making software using all sorts of languages, frameworks and tools. Tho I have the most experience with Rust, C++, C#. I also usually do native cross platform applications and backend.

You can find my full CV on my website
#GetFediHired #JobSearch #RemoteWork #Rust #Rustlang #CPP #CSharp #Backend

Today is #ILoveFS Day!

It is the day to appreciate all the people involved in #FreeSoftware & #OpenSource.

Not just developers & maintainers, but also designers, translators, documentation contributors etc

Personally I'd like thank:
@AntennaPod @inkscape @libreoffice @openstreetmap

Thank you all for your work! It is much appreciated!

#Commons #Volunteers #Tech