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Items tagged with: Tech

Hello all. This might be a long shot, but I was wondering if anyone in the #blind #vintage #tech spaces would know what dc jack the Braille 'N Speak took, specifically if the centre poll was negative or posative. I know there are 9v and 12v units. #accessibility

I love how we had all sorts of mutually incompatible media formats that used the same exact physical format of 5 1/4" floppy disks (with dozens if not hundreds of variations how data is stored on them) and then we went to...

...dozens of mutually incompatible memory cards that all looked physically exactly the same (SD card) and now...

...we have dozens of mutually incompatible cables that use USB-C plugs!

#progress #tech

Do you ever stumble upon an old Excel file that's locked with a password and you can't remember what it is? This can be incredibly frustrating, especially if the file contains valuable data! 😩

In my latest video, I show you a surprisingly easy way to remove worksheet protection from any Excel file, even if you don't have the password! This trick is perfect for those times when you're locked out of your own information.

The best part? You don't need any fancy software to do it! Just a little bit of text editing will do the trick. 😉
Check out my full video here:

#excel #howto #productivity #exceltips #microsoft #office #tutorial #tech #software #spreadsheets #YouTube #Feditips

OMG it really is the year of the Linux desktop! 🤔​Signs of normalcy and modernization have come to our dear little Nano...
#FOSS #Linux #Nanoeditor #Nano #Ubuntu #Debian #PCLOS #Q4OS #Editors #Texteditor #Tech

If this lands on your feed, tell me about different features that are just missing in Matrix.

It can be anything, but please don't include memes like "unable to decrypt message" or other things that are already in the works, or maybe has already been merged (e.g media captions). Also, no, I won't "just use XMPP".

Some examples include better forwarded messages, rich profiles, or a live location sharing, just to name a few.

(I am writing something about this, boosts appreciated!)

#matrix #tech

“I have seen the extremely restrictive off-boarding agreement that contains nondisclosure and non-disparagement provisions former OpenAI employees are subject to. It forbids them, for the rest of their lives, from criticizing their former employer.”…

#openai #tech #ai

🦋 If you struggle with ADHD or have your focus constantly ruined by a whirlwind of thoughts, then you probably use productivity tools that can help crush those distractions and give you some peace of mind.

Find out how you can say goodbye to those scattered thoughts by customizing the Vivaldi browser to work for your needs and preferences 👇🏻…

#adhd #Productivity #tech #Technology #browser #vivaldi #tips #hacks

Just had a chat with a well respected mini PC manufacturer asking if I'd be interested in "reviewing" their products.

I said "sure!" and recommended one of their newer offerings.

They replied "we don't need promotion on that right now, we really need videos on this older less expensive system going on sale".

Red flag already, but it could make for a fun project video. I say sure.

THEN they reply with all the mandatory talking points to include, what kind of b-roll to shoot, a timetable of less than two weeks, and a list of links I'd need to use instead of my own affiliate links.

I tell them, "that's not a review, that's a promotional video you want to live on my channel". I don't charge for anything called a review on my channel, but I will produced sponsored videos to keep the lights on.

I tell them my rates for a sponsored video, and they IMMEDIATELY balk.

It's really changed my perception of this brand's reputation.

#tech #geek #bbtg #youtube

Stenberg: I survived curl up 2024 #tech #linux

Cross-examination ended

Redirect by prosecutor #Conroy.

On re-direct, Conroy is asks questions that mock #Bove’s cross, implying to the jury that Bove's line of questioning was BS.

Some questions:

“I take it you’re not a friend of Michael Cohen’s?”

“Is it unusual for a phone to be used?”
[Making fun of Bove’s basic #tech questions]

Public in the overflow room reportedly got what Conroy was doing & laughed at the questions & answers

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial

AI is causing massive hiring discrimination based on disability… #ai #disability #employment #tech #fail

Hi all. Hoping there are some #blind #linux users out there that can help me out. I'm using an old computer, not the one I mentioned in my previous posts, but a different one, and #Orca isn't speaking. I originally installed #Ubuntu Mate, but Orca was freezing a lot, so I switched my #DesktopEnvironment to #KDEPlasma. It seemed like a lot of things were inaccessible, though, so I decided to try #Gnome. I installed Gnome, chose GDM as the display manager, and restarted the computer. Now, Orca works on the login screen but nowhere else. It seems to be running, and when I run "orca --replace" in the terminal, I get an error about something only working with X11. I've been able to tell that by scanning the screen with #SeeingAI on my #iPhone. I need to get Orca up and running again so I can use my computer. What's the best way to do this, preferably without sighted help, as my mom and stepdad aren't good with #technology.
#accessibility #tech @mastoblind @main

#Google went from search engine to apps developer to mobile & cloud tech pioneer to now #MILITARY CONTRACTOR.

the minute they did that, their CEO ceased being a business man and is now a politician.

to demand workers to not speak about politics when THAT'S NOW YOUR BUSINESS MODEL is pathetic at worst, ignorant at best.

one could say Google and every #tech company pivoting to military contracting have deceived their workers into believing they are not military sub-contractors.

Might as well ask! This is for both tech and non-tech peeps

* If you are on windows, what keeps you on windows? If you wanted to switch, why and what information do you want to help resolve this?

* What is computer literacy to you? Like, you can split this off into different levels as well like basic, intermediate, expert of use a primary-school, high-school framing.

I guess if I was to give a clear constraint here, I'm interested to know what you think adults or someone who is mid-way through high-school should be capable of doing.

Bonus one as well:
* What do you think is currently wrong with computer education programs, these vary wildly but I am curious about this as well!

#linux #windows #microsoft #tech

"I deleted keys generated by our TV for 5 straight minutes. 5 Minutes of like 200BPM clicking. I restarted. Everything worked again. I laughed so hard I cried. I felt like I'd solved a murder."


The title is, "DO NOT BUY HISENSE TV'S"…
#Tech #Android #TV #Debug

"The climate crisis is happening all around us. As tech workers, we can use our skills to take and accelerate climate action." #tech #webdev #climateCrisis #environment #goGreen

Let's use @protonprivacy and @Tutanota products.
Encryption is the single best hope against surveillance.…

#security #cybersecurity #infosec #nationalsecurity #nsa #fbi #section702 #privacy #government #surveillance #e2ee #tech #proton #protonmail #tuta #tutanota #bigtech #degoogle

Can anyone recommend a good #accessible #RSS feed reader for #iPhone that does well with both text and audio #RSSFeeds? I recently subscribed to The Old Reader ( and like how it lets you add text RSS feeds, #podcasts, and #YouTube channels, and I'm looking for a good app for it on my phone. I've tried #lire, but it doesn't seem to work well with podcasts.
#TheOldReader #iOS #accessibility #technology #tech @mastoblind

🔗: Full-text RSS feed is an offline-friendly act #Tech #WebDev…

A new @DestinationLinux has hit the road! (363) 😎🐧▶️

Check out #DestinationLinux 363: PipeWire Interview with Wim Taymans, Revolutionizing Audio & Video on Linux

#linux #podcasts #opensource #tech

Hello, hello 😋
As we still focus on reliability and stability, there have been some major improvements made to JAMS. Discover it all in our new Dev Update #4. #tech #p2p #app

#app #tech #p2p

“I’m a Google Cloud software engineer, and I refuse to build technology that powers genocide [and] apartheid”…

Watch the others in the room. The assholes who jeer and manhandle the protestors. These are your peers in the tech industry. These are the “acceptable folks” in tech. Fuck these people.

Look at their faces. They know exactly what they’re complict in. Look at their smug smiles. Dickheads each one.

#tech #google #ai #ProjectNimbus #israel #genocide #palestine

AI-Weekly for Tuesday, February 27, 2024 - Volume 101…

The Week's News in Artificial Intelligence
A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication
#ai #news #ainews #artificialintelligence #aiweekly #technology #tech #technews #techtrends #machinelearning #robotics #datascience #airesearch #futuretech

AI-Weekly. The world's #1 online resource for current news and trends in artificial intelligence.

Subscribers: 14,444 Opt-In Subscribers were sent this issue via email.

NEW: WhatsApp will soon make it possible to chat with people who use other messaging apps. It's revealed some more details on how that will work.

— Apps will need to sign an agreement with Meta, then connect to its servers.
— Meta wants people to use the Signal Protocol, but also says other encryption protocols can be used if they can meet WhatsApp's standards
— WhatsApp has been testing with Matrix in recent months, although nothing is agreed yet. Swiss app Threema says it won't become interoperable… #tech #whatsapp #dma #infosec #news #technology

"The Decision to Leave Tech" — I'm sure many of us, including myself, have very similar feelings. 🥴… by @todd #tech #a11y #burnout #webdev

Hey #furries there's a bill in Oklahoma that was introduced & would punish children for dressing as a furry at school & have them taken away by Animal Control.

Rep. Humphrey has introduced a heap of shitty bills.😭

Bill Text:…

Other details:…

#tech #infosec #nerds #oklahoma #

Hledani prace me nuti se vic bavit s lidmi o mych technologicko-filosofickych nazorech. Treba na pohovorech. Taky vic ctu, co se kde deje. Abych se na tech pohovorech mel o cem bavit, ze ano.

Diskuze kolem variant ruznych technologii jsou moje oblibene. Jako JavaScript vs TypeScript, CSS vs Tailwind. Pripomina mi to krasnou case-study Yarn vs NPM. Dogmatici na vsech frontach.…

A co tim chci predat? Oba pristupy jsou validni a obhajitelne.

#npm #yarn #javascript #tech

Really wish there was a PikaPods but for #YunoHost because PikaPods is fantastic, and I directed so many people to them in the past couple of days. It is a fully managed service that lets you pick #OpenSource stuff to host on your own pod, and you basically pay like $1 but monthly! This is how I'm trying stuff like Audiobookshelf and others. You pick servers locations and sizes and stuff but all the hosting is done for you! #Tech #IndieWeb

🥊 Showdown: Epic Games vs. Google 🥊

Epic Games won. 💪

This is a huge win for any Google competitor - so almost any tech company! 🍾


Here's also some info on how the Google Search Monopoly harms competition - including some nice search alternatives:…

Go private now! 😎

#TechNews #Tech #EpicGames #Epic #Google #GooglePlay #EpicVsGoogle #Fortnite

Tak jsem si chvilku hral s mapama a ve verzi nula je na svete. 🎉

Princip je jednoduchy. K postu na Mastodon s hashtagem #lbc pridam text "lbc:LAT:LON". Script followuje hashtag na >c.d serveru a novy post prida na mapu. Testovaci posty jsem otagoval zvlast, abych zbytecne neposilal updaty.

A prace s mapami. Nic moc. Spousta niche hardcodovanych veci. Spousta outdated dokumentace. Je to hold pro lidi, co mapama zijou.

Uz ted mam docela slusny backlog. 🚘


#tech #lbc

V seznamu projektiku jsem se konecne dopracoval az k lbc wtf. Na to jsem se tesil uz od chvile, kdy jsem narazil na pruvodce po Liberci z roku 1966.

Ted to technicky zhmotnuju:
👉 Vezmu Leaflet a Protomaps vysek Liberecka.
👉 K memu hipsterskemu pribehu na Mastodonu pridam geotag.
👉 Magie zobrazi moje #lbc prispevky v mape na webu.

Lokalni influencer in the making! Dal jsem si vyzvu mit to cely staticky, ale editovat v Nextu DB je pohodlnejsi nez .json na CDN. Tak uvidime.

#projekt #tech

Youtube's tantrum escalates.

Forced to concede that they cannot outpace ad blocking extensions, parent company Google artificially limits the rate of extension updates in Chrome.

No justification for the user experience is given, and in fact this makes chrome users more vulnerable to attacks injected via ads.

#tech #news #enshittification…

This is the latest #youtube "innovation". #Google with a market cap of $1.7 trillion and $120 billion cash on hand, "needs" to charge for ads on YouTube.

This is, of course, not true. They have more than enough revenue to run YouTube without ads in perpetuity, but they want to please shareholders. The #Peertube community is showing how you can distribute the costs of hosting content as well. If you don't support Google's continued monetization of monopolized with your feet.


A question to the #Tech bubble: I would like to use #Thunderbird with a bunch of shared calendars over Caldav. I had this issue two years ago and now here it comes again: Thunderbird becomes very slow as soon as all these calendars are added. They contain plenty of events each, many of them are reoccuring and I have tried both with and without offline support and also disabling autorefresh on some of those. I recall that back when I had the issue last, switching the view to show just one calendar at a time would help but to no avail now. Is this something I have to live with in 2023? ###Mozilla #OpenSource

„Es gab keinen Hinweis darauf, dass sie Amerikanerin war. Wir dachten alle, sie sei Irin“, berichtet ein Hoher Beamter der französischen Libération und versichert, niemand habe eine Ahnung gehabt, worüber da eigentlich abgestimmt wurde. „Wir haben erst auf Twitter herausgefunden, dass wir etwas Inakzeptables akzeptiert hatten“.

#EU #Kommission #Chefökonomin #Generaldirektion #Wettbewerb #ScottMorton #USA #Tech

Great news for the Right To Repair:

"EU: Smartphones Must Have User-Replaceable Batteries by 2027 | PCMag"

#RightToRepair #EU #Europe #phone #batteries #tech…