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Items tagged with: LINUX
I've read your reply to questions about working with #Gnome on #Linux. Thanx for your insights!

What interests me:
Is the #Electron#Desktop#App#Element for #Matrix#Chat accessible for #blind#users? You use it?


Universal Blue is generally available today! We're out of beta and ready to showcase everything a Linux desktop can be. Our work has been to show how many problems in client Linux are already solved from the cloud native world. We hope you'll join us on this journey!

Learn more:…

The uBlue maintainers also have a message they want to share for @fedora :)

Updates on Bluefin, Bazzite, and Aurora coming soon!

#uBlue #Bluefin #Bazzite #FedoraAtomic #Fedora #Linux

The Flathub website just received a fab revamp ✨…

#flathub #linux

Fedora Linux 40 is HERE! Check out all our latest variants for desktop, server, and more.

New features include:
* @kde Plasma 6
* @gnome 46
* Fedora Atomic Desktops (rebrand for Silverblue et al)
* PyTorch / ROCm
* And more!

Learn more and try Fedora 40 today!…

#Fedora #Linux #OpenSource #Gnome #KDE

Is anyone free to help the developer of sway notification center out? I have opened an issue about sway notification center's accessibility regressions in the notification list, and I have also suggested that when the notification appears, the accessible event is fired. The dev doesn't know how to do this however, so any input or PR's that mention this issue would be greatly appreciated!…
If we get this sorted, we will have a fully accessible notification daemon for all wlroots based compositors, which will soon include XFCE. This could be the Wayland equivalent of notification-daemon for X11, but even better if the GTK notification centre list can be fixed up too. #Linux #accessibility #a11y

Reading recommendation: Best practices for inclusive CLIs by Seirdy :neofox_book:

Got me to rewrite the in-between warning on my ANSI Escape sequence cheatseet to a dedicated section explaining what to watch out for.

@Seirdy #linux #cli

Orca the Linux screen reader now has a website!

Thanks to @snwh

And thank you Joannie, @igalia and the community for all the ongoing work and support.

#Linux #GNOME #freedesktop #a11y #accessibility

Here's a neat exploration of the curb cut effect for accessibility in @gnome - using accessibility tools to aid in testing automation! Has pros and cons identified in the article, but interesting nonetheless.


#Fedora #Gnome #accessibility #a11y #Linux #OpenSource

FLAC is an audio format, data is compressed with no loss of information or quality.

FLAC is a format option for archiving audio collections such as CDs.

Ripping a CD to FLAC allows an exact copy of an audio CD to be created if the original is lost or damaged.

Supported devices:…
Supported software:…


#FLAC #Audio #AudioCD #Archive #Linux #Backup #DataBackup

I made a free wallpaper of #Konqi :3

You can download the 4k .png file on my ko-fi shop uwu

Hope I'll be able to do more :3


#kde #konqiart #linux #plasma

Retro; the customizable clock widget is now available on Flathub in v2

What's new:

• 24/12h support (follows GNOME Settings)
• Energy usage optimizations
• Better support for round clocks
• Controls moved out of the way

What do you think of the floating header bar?…

#GNOME #GTK #CSS #Flathub #Flatpak #Linux

@NVAccess it would be great to be able to run #NVDA on #Linux. As a developer this would help a lot to test pages for NVDA. I have tested with #wine to a small extent it works, so maybe is possible to make it work on wine.…

Thanks to all you developers out there adding brand colors to your apps over the past months we're almost ready to launch featured banners ✨

If you're an app maintainer and haven't done this yet for your app, here are the docs:…

To make it more interesting we're setting a deadline! We will be launching the new banners on April 20th, so for the possibility to be featured during the first week, update your apps today :)

#flathub #flatpak #gnome #kde #linux

Git Mastery Configuration (Dotfiles) & Advanced Subtrees Techniques.
#git #github #dotfiles #linux #configuration #guide…

Want to build your own lock screen widget or quick setting in #phosh? @arunmani explains how that works in… 🛠️

#phosh #gtk #LinuxMobile #linux #mobile

So, this will be my last contribution to this thread, and, you, in particular. Not for lack of interest or an unwillingness to teach, but, you mentioned that Apple and or Microsoft, and, I'd even extend Google into this pool, that they have money so can dedicate resources to accessibility but there's a key thing they all do that, so far, few or even no distro or otherwise maintainer has done. Listen to the users without pointing the finger back at them. That requires no money. This is key. You say you want feedback and you really want to learn, but you actually dismissed other blind professionals in this thread, people with decades of experiences, and then told them, even, that they were wrong and that it works just fine for you, but then you said it yourself you're not disabled. You didn't listen, you immediately went on the defensive and then made us prove ourselves to you. Apple, and Microsoft, don't behave like this. They also understand that accessibility is as good as the tech infrastructure, and make it usable and accessible from the ground up. My biggest issue with you, and others like you, in the #Linux space, is that refuse to really, and I mean really, listen, to what experts are saying. I've used accessible Cocanut on a VM, and it is a good start. The point is that the ORCA infrastructure needs a lot of work and then some. You all really, and I mean really, need to understand why these bigger tech companies and even other #OpenSource developers actually take the time to get feedback from Disabled users, but not through pull requests or complicated ticket tracking. Come to where the lowest tech people are and get feedback, like these other tech companies do. I use a ton of fantastic #OpenSource tools on Windows because the devellopers actively engage with the community and don't just point and say learn tech! Or it works for me, even though you do not know how to use a screen reader properly. Listen instead of pointing. @gnomelibre @anantagd @objectinspace @techsinger @jorge

Just bought a #DELL 3190 laptop, new for $150 (11.6" screen, 64GB eMMC). It's fully supported on #Linux, and even if it has a Celeron N4120 CPU and only 4 GB of RAM, it'll work fine with #Mint, or #XFCE (and #Gnome/ #KDE if you don't mind some minor lag). Not opening too many browser tabs will ensure that the swap file won't get used too often.

If you're on a tight budget this is a good option, as it also has great battery life too at 10 hours with Linux.

#linuxmint #ubuntu #opensource #foss

Just waiting on a #Linux distro to become as accessible as Windows to the Blind, and then I'll switch, because yikes. Link at end. Until then, sorry Linux, you still fail at accessibility compared to Microsoft. It's a shame, too!…

Dnes si dovolím odkázať na veľmi vydarený český hlas pre hlasový výstup #TTS #RHVoice. Sám autor o tom píše tu:… . O použití pre #Windows #Linux a #Android sa dočítate aj na jednoduchej komunitnej stránke . Gro používateľov sú ťažko zrakovo postihnutí používatelia, ktorí si bez kvalitného hlasového výstupu a čítača obrazovky nedokážu svoj digitálny život predstaviť, možno ale aj vám by sa mohol hodiť takýto hlas pre váš počítač či smartfón nezávislí od obrovských korporácií. Mohli by ste ho napr. použiť na čítanie kníh alebo počas navigácii cez GPS.

Big kudos to the Schleswig-Holstein!

Another German administration is breaking Microsoft’s glass cage, and at a first read the scope of this initiative seems more ambitious than many I’ve witnessed in the past.

Both the ArsTechnica article and the original announcement don’t include a few details to make better estimate on the possible success of this initiative though.

The announcement follows previously established plans to migrate the state government off Microsoft Office in favor of open source LibreOffice.

I hope that there’s a Web-based offering somewhere on the horizon. Fewer and fewer employees nowadays run Word/Excel directly on their machines. Most of them run Google Docs or use Microsoft’s office cloud. Giving them a stand-alone app which limits the possibilities for online collaboration may be met with resistance, especially now that many of them are already getting used to online AI assistants. I read that #NextCloud is involved - I hope there’s a plan to run #CollaboraOffice, which is more or less like running the LibreOffice engine as a service, #OnlyOffice or some equivalent alternative.

Due to the high hardware requirements of Windows 11, we would have a problem with older computers. With Linux we don’t have that

Very sensitive decision that will probably save taxpayers a lot of money. But it’d also be interested to know which #Linux distro has been selected. Hopefully the administration won’t repeat Munich’s past mistakes and it won’t try to build and maintain their own distro. Better get into talks with a popular distro (probably not Red Hat, but hey isn’t SuSE German?) and orchestrate a deal where the State funds its development, and in exchange it gets development support. It’s a win-win where a distro not managed by a giant like Red Hat or Canonical can get consistent direct funding from a public administration (that’s what many of us have been advocating for years anyway), and the local administration can enjoy the support of a well-documented distro like OpenSuSE, Mint, Pop_OS or Manjaro without having to reinvent the wheel and scramble for their own developers/packagers/maintainers, and minimizing the risk of going from one vendor lock-in (Microsoft) to another (IBM or Canonical).

The government will ditch Microsoft Sharepoint and Exchange/Outlook in favor of open source offerings Nextcloud and Open-Xchange, and Mozilla Thunderbird

Same issue as with LibreOffice: folks today are used to webmail and mobile apps. Thunderbird definitely fills the gap on the stand-alone side, especially now that it’s getting more love and support than before. But it still lacks an official mobile app - K-9 is almost there, but not nearly there yet. And it doesn’t solve the “I’m used to the GMail/Outlook interface and set all of my filters and do my advanced search from a webview” problem. There’s actually a big gap there. What’s a decent open webmail UI that can compete with GMail/Outlook nowadays? RoundCube feels ancient and it has barely changed in 15 years. SnappyMail is a bit better, and it’s what a use as a selected webmail client too, but it’s still lightyears behind GMail/Outlook. NextCloud Mail is slowly getting there, but it only integrates with a NextCloud solution. Let’s admit that there’s a gap that needs to be filled fast if we don’t want employees who have years of email muscle memory trained in specific environments to doom the project.

Schleswig-Holstein is also developing an open source directory service to replace Microsoft’s Active Directory and an open source telephony offering.

Please, don’t. Just don’t. A local administration, no matter how well-intentioned and initially well-funded, just won’t have the resources necessary to invent such big wheels. And, even if it somehow manages to bake something together, it’ll eventually be a patchy solution that they’ll have to maintain themselves for years to come, and that is unlikely to find adoption outside of its initial borders.

Invest into #OpenLDAP to fill the gaps left by ActiveDirectory on the LDAP side instead. That project needs a lot more love. And leverage WebDAV for almost everything else. If you are already planning to use NextCloud, it’ll already do a lot of the heavylifting for you on that side, without having to write new software or come up with new protocols.

Same for telephony. Looking into iPXE and other open implementations of the PXE and SIP protocols. Telephony protocols are hard and well-established, reinventing the wheel should be avoided at all costs.

I think there’s a lot of potential in initiatives like these, but only a clear definition of their scope and a clear plan of execution with continuous user feedback can help preventing something like the failure of the early Munich experiments.…

Oh snap! Good news, Linux users: we're adding the Thunderbird Snap, previously maintained by the awesome Ubuntu desktop team, to our officially supported Linux packages! 📦 🐧

Learn all about why we made the change, what it means and what to expect, and where to report issues in our blog post.…

#Thunderbird #Linux #Snap

To #Linux or to #GNU? Linux is a kernel, not an operating system. There are not many other OSes with a Linux kernel. GNU, Android and Musl distributions are the most common if not the only ones. The rest are derivations of them. For example µClibc is a GNU implementation.

Schleswig-Holstein geht voran:

#LibreOffice statt M$ Office
#Linux statt Windows
#Thunderbird statt Outlook
#Nextcloud statt Sharepoint

Das Kabinett hat den Startschuss für den Umstieg auf freie Software gegeben - ein Gewinn für #IT-Sicherheit, #Datenschutz und die heimische Digitalwirtschaft.

Langfristiges Ziel ist die vollständige digitale Souveränität des Landes.…

Wir ziehen den Hut und wünschen eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung!🎩

#OpenSource #DigitaleSouveränität

Somebody compiled KDE version 1 on Debian #Linux 13. It is a miracle that you can even able to compile it. Source… #opensource

Question! Why should local governments use taxpayers’ money to buy proprietary, closed software from a single vendor? And what happens to citizens' data? A solution is to move to free and open source software like #Linux and #LibreOffice – which is exactly what Schleswig-Holstein is doing:… #foss #OpenSource #privacy

Have you seen @nextcloud AI Assistant 2.0?

You can now chat about your own documents and data, use GPU acceleration, transcribe audio with Whisper, use your own LLMs, and a ton more integrations and new features.

All #open-source 😀

Boosts appreciated 🙏…

#AI #mastodon #Linux #Foss #OSS

Junction 1.8 is out ✨

Junction pops up automatically when you open a file or link to let you choose which app to open with.…

The highlight of this version is better mobile and touch support :linux: 📱

Plus, the app is now verified on Flathub and has a "High quality app data" rating.

#GNOME #GTK #Flatpak #Flathub #LinuxMobile #Linux

Witnessing @cas getting OnePlus 8 display working on Linux 📱:postmarketos: :linux:

This is magic 🧙

#postmarketOS #Linux #hardwareEnablement #deGrowth…

I have begun a post explaining this situation in a more detailed writeup. This is updating in realtime, and there is a lot still missing.

#security #xz #linux

Unfolding now:…


An incredibly technically complex #backdoor in xz (potentially also in libarchive and elsewhere) was just discovered. This backdoor has been quietly implemented over years, with the assistance of a wide array of subtly interconnected accounts:


The timeline on this is going to take so long to unravel

#security #linux

🚨 ⚠️ Emergency PSA: A critical security exploit was discovered in the xz package recently, used for compression and decompression on nearly all Linux distributions.

Rawhide users ARE impacted and should immediately STOP using Rawhide until the package update is fully rolled back. (1/3)

Security Advisory:…

#Fedora #Linux #OpenSource #Security #Privacy

You may have seen the “Verified” badge on apps from Flathub which shows that the developer has proven ownership of their app, e.g. via their website or code host.

With great adoption (nearly 1,000 verified apps!), we’re trying something out to help with transparency:

⚠️ Unverified

If you see this, it flags that the app has not been verified by its developer—it’s effectively a community-maintained package.

#Flathub #Flatpak #Linux

As of yesterday, I am officially maintaining the XDG Specifications (yes, yes, I make questionable choices ^^).
This means, if there's anything I should have a look at, or if you want to propose any addition/change, you know who to ping now! (even better if a MR/patch is attached, of course)
Thanks to everyone working on Freedesktop integration and projects, you rock!
#xdg #freedesktop #linux…

Neue Matrix-Clients: Element-X und SchildiChat Next

Element X und SchildiChat Next bieten viele spannende Neuerungen!

#Matrix #Element #SchildiChat #Linux…