
Items tagged with: openstreetmap


First of all, @panoramax is a very young project, so coverage is quite small. Only in #France - where the project started - there is significant coverage.

Because it is federated and self-hostable, it was a fitting solution to host the images that people take when contributing to #OpenStreetMap with #MapComplete

About the 'WebGL': MapLibre depends on it to render the maps. Some browsers do block #webGL to resist fingerprinting. You might be able to enable it per website.

Another #GoogleMaps vs #OpenStreetMap comparison. One of biggest entities of the world, with budget surpassing many nation states vs bunch of quite loosely gathered individuals ~~working~~ playing on their free time. Another reminder who's the stronger side, if we only manage to get off our collective ass and do something for a common goal.

Happy I Love Free Software Day! 💕

Unfortunately, this year I could not join nor organize any in-person celebration, BUT of course I want to share my gratitude to the many, countless #FreeSoftware services I don’t merely use, but actually depend on.

Last year, I decided to focus only on #YunoHost, because it would have been crazy to list all the projects I use and I love.

This time, even if I will most certainly forget someone, I am challenging myself to mention all the #LibreSoftware my life is powered by.

Without further ado, THANK YOU to:

  • @yunohost, for powering Nebuchadnezzar
  • @fedora, for running my beloved #Framework laptop
  • @frameworkcomputer, for designing and building repairable, #Linux-friendly and truly open hardware
  • @gnome and @GTK, for being just gorgeous
  • @calyxos (thus @LineageOS), for powering my #Fairphone5
  • #Obtainium, for making me directly download apps on my phone, and @fdroidorg for distributing them
  • #AuroraStore, for proxying the download of apps I am doomed to get from Google Play
  • @element, for developing #Synapse, even though the new proprietary Synapse Pro is VERY PROBLEMATIC AND DISAPPOINTING
  • #Fractal, for being the most beautiful and awesome #Matrix client ever
  • @signalapp, for keeping me connected with the people I love
  • @Mastodon, for also maintaining a feature-packed experimental fork (#GlitchSoc), that is what Pan runs
  • #Tuba and #Moshidon, for being the most beautiful and awesome #Mastodon clients ever
  • #Firefox, for still remaining the best possible #browser choice, despite #Mozilla’s governance messiness
  • @openstreetmap, for allowing us to find the right path, both literally and metaphorically!
  • @organicmaps, for being the simplest, cleanest, yet feature-rich #OSM client and navigation app
  • @protonvpn, for making me browse safely from/to anywhere in the planet and @protonprivacy #ProtonMail, for hosting my email, despite the latest alarming political statements…
  • @libreoffice, for allowing me to draft documents with ease, the last of which was my #CV
  • #LanguageTool, for preventing me from making embarassing spelling mistakes
  • @photoprism, for safely storing and indexing all my photographic memories, on Aby, and for providing stellar and friendly support too!
  • #Actual, for moderating the very likely risk of ending up completely broke, since it forces me to manage my finances consciously and coherently
  • @readeck, for storing and sorting ALL my varied and overwhelming inputs
  • @nextcloud, for storing and synchronizing my data, for its #calendar, its #tasks, and all its awesome apps
  • #Rustdesk, for preventing my friends and family members from going crazy, by allowing me to remotely connect to their devices and directly address the issues they have
  • #Listmonk, for sending out my newsletter
  • @eleventy, for powering all the websites I maintain, above all the virtual representation of my mind, and for being the only reason why I resist and try to continue learning #JavaScript
  • @forgejo, for giving us a chance to truly control and collectively develop the sources of our software, but most importantly @Codeberg, for RESISTING, RESISTING, RESISTING, despite the hatred and attacks nazi assholes throw at them
  • @musicbrainz for keeping music knowledge open and free, and @ListenBrainz for scrobbling the crazy music I listen to
  • The @fsfe, for promoting this celebration and fighting the good fight!

Lastly, but most importantly, the biggest thank you goes to all the free software libraries and dependencies the above mentioned #software are made of/built with, including #C, #JavaScript, #Python, #Rust, and all community-maintained programming languages.

I am super sorry if I forgot someone!

#OpenSource #ILoveFS #SoftwareFreedom #Fairphone #Android #LineageOS #FSFE #OpenStreetMap #PhotoPrism #LibreOffice #Readeck #Eleventy #11ty #GNOME #Signal #forgejo #Codeberg #MusicBrainz #ListenBrainz #MetaBrainz

Buenas, gentes que editáis en #OpenStreetMap #OSM.

¿Subís también fotos? Y en caso afirmativo con qué servicio, app o forma.

Today I've officially become a member of @osmcz (OpenStreetMap Czech Republic, registered association). After almost a year of frequent contributions to #OpenStreetMap, I thought it was time to take the step.

#osm #mapping

There is one feature of #LocusMap that I really like: you can take a picture of a map, calibrate it with the standard map and then have it as an overlay.

Very handy when you take the kids to the zoo or amusement park. 👌

#maps #map #OpenStreetMap

We would also like to #welcome all people joining us today! If you are switching over from #Twitter, #X, #Facebook, #Instagram: welcome into a truly federated social network.

While you've made the switch, consider also moving away from that other big corporation named #Google: a great alternative is #OpenStreetMap . There are many apps (such as @organicmaps or #osmand)

There are also a lot of maps about a specific topic. You can find a collection of them on

Can any of my followers recommend some good #OpenStreetMap accounts to follow?

Following a couple of days walking around Almogía over the Christmas break, I've added 3 local signposted hiking trails to OSM.

I'm especially pleased that OSM-based outdoor maps will now show connections between the Camino Mozárabe to the east and the PR-A 293 to the west, via the summit of Santi Petri. Both were already mapped, but until now it was difficult to be sure from online information if there was a waymarked route between them.

Before and after screenshots:

#OpenStreetMap #hiking

I hate big shopping malls. That's why I always need to find the best way to the business and back. #Mapycz and #GoogleMaps are useless for that. POIs are missing, wrongly placed or grouped in the middle of the mall.

But some shopping malls in #Brno are so well mapped in #OpenStreetMap that it can navigate me right to the business. And that even includes changing floors and using escalators. 👍

#OpenStreetMap is writable again. After 3 or so days in read only mode I collected several POI updates that needs to be uploaded...

#OpenStreetMap is back on its feet.

Making edits with MapComplete is thus possible again as well.

We have a new version out too (but it got a bit overshadowed).

Some highlights:

- There is an insect-hotel theme ( (thanks @RLin )
- The cyclofix, climbing, blind maps got some improvements (thanks to @midgard amongst others)
- Etymology-map will now also show parks without etymology, in order to be able to link them
- and a lot of bug fixes

Last month, there was an organised walk around Gent Zuid, aimed at adding surveillance cameras to #OpenStreetMap with @MapComplete. This map of the area shows the high number of cameras in this area alone (this is zoom level 18!), but also, that they're now mapped, allowing anyone to check where there's cameras with a reasonable degree of accuracy 🥰

#Mapycz are now launching their premium version. I'm not sure if it is in response to that. But #LocusMap, a lovely #OpenStreetMap based app focused on outdoor activities built by a small company from #Prague, now has a 6 month trial of their premium plans. Check it out! 👇

#osm #maps #map

OpenStreetMap migrates to Debian 12: You may have seen this toot
announcing OpenStreetMap's migration to Debian on their infrastructure.

🚀 After 18 years on Ubuntu, we've upgraded the
@openstreetmap servers to Debian 12
(Bookworm). 🌍 is now faster
using Ruby 3.1. Onward to new mapping adventures! Thank you to the team for
the smooth transition.
#Debian 🤓

We spoke with Grant Slater, the Senior Site Reliability Engineer for the……

#Seznam, the company behind, has become a silver partner of the #OpenStreetMap Foundation.
It was about time. They've been benefiting from #OSM for years.
Now I have one last thing on my wishlist: Drop the proprietary maps for #Czechia and use OSM everywhere.…

Angaben zur #Rollstuhltauglichkeit eines Ortes sind zwar in der eingetragen, werden aber auf der #wheelmap nicht angezeigt?

Dann könnte es sein, dass die Beschreibung nicht dem Basis-Attribut wheelchair_description sondern dem mit der Erweiterung der Sprache zugeordnet wurde, z.B. wheelchair_description:de
Wie mir der Support mitteilte, arbeitet man aber daran, auch die Sprachdefiition zu berücksichtigen.

#Accessibility #Barrierefreiheit #Inklusion #OSM #OpenStreetMap

A great screenshot by @pauldassori , showing many pieces of software working together.

It shows the iD #OpenStreetMap - editor opened in #Valdivia . A lot of orange dots are visible: these are locations for which knows an image for. This #panoramax-instance federates with, which hosts the images made with
As Awo ( has added many pictures with @MapComplete , a lot of pictures are shown!

New OSM tool (to me):

It is an easy way to see where lights are already mapped, and what still needs to be covered. I do believe MapComplete has one as well.


Looking for vegan places and not a fan of proprietary datasets? #MapComplete has several themes to find (and edit) vegan places, based on #OpenStreetMap data!

The “restaurants and fast food” theme will show most places you might be interested in. If you love fries (like I do), “fries shops” will be helpful for you. And in the “gluten free” and “lactose free” themes, you can filter for vegan places too!

You can also easily edit these places with MapComplete, for example to add details or update incorrect or outdated information. Your changes will be uploaded to OpenStreetMap, which is freely reusable data!


I moved nearly 40K pictures (which were linked from #OpenStreetMap and created with @MapComplete from imgur to @panoramax
You can read more about the proces…

Thanks to @thibaultmol for hosting the server

Hey würde jemand Lust verspüren sich beim Betrieb eines deutschen #panoramax Servers einzubringen? Streetview Photos unter CC und für OSM :blobcat_winking:…

#selfhosting #openstreetmap #fossgis #gistribe #datenschutz #photografie

We moved about 10K images already, about 2.8% of all 'image'-tags in the #OpenStreetMap-database. All those moved images are made in Flanders.

There are 19K images hosted on Imgur, of which the vast majority (probably 18K) are made with MapComplete and will be moved soon.

If your app supports the image tag, it might be neat to start supporting panoramax too. See the wiki for details. OpenAEDMap just implemented it (see…, might not be live ATM)

Op vrijdag 22 november (13u30) en zaterdag 23 november (11u) organiseer ik een wandeling vanuit de Krook in #Gent waar we met #OpenStreetMap en @MapComplete bewakingscamera's in kaart gaan brengen.

Na een korte uitleg gaat iedereen een eigen kant op, op zoek naar camera's.

Dit past binnen

(Of je kan ook meer info vinden op de meetup-pagina:…)

#privacy #bewakingscameras #surveillance

AWESOME new @kagihq update:
For ex: I want to look at the #OpenStreetMap wiki page for (power) sockets.

Previously you could do search like this:
socket !osmwiki
this would bring you to…

But if I know that the chance of the right page being the first result on #Kagi is high, I can just do:
socket @osmwiki !
then I land on:…:*

! is basically the Kagi equivalent of that google "i'm feeling lucky" feature from back in the day

🚶‍♂️🗺️ Doe mee aan de LiLi-app mapathon in Brugge!

Op 29 november van 18:00-22:00 in het Hof van Watervliet helpen we OpenStreetMap België met het toegankelijker maken van de stad voor blinden en slechtzienden. Samen vullen we ontbrekende infrastructuur aan die de Lili-app gebruikt om de veiligste routes te bepalen.
Meer info:…

📍 Locatie: Hof van Watervliet, Brugge
⏰ Tijd: 18:00 - 22:00
💻 Meenemen: Laptop (muis handig)


When I took my car to the service I noticed, that the service wasn't in #OpenStreetMap.
Well, it is now. And whole little street got updated with fresh data...
😊 I like how easy it is...