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Items tagged with: a11y

‘When security and accessibility clash: why are banking applications so inaccessible?’…

I once did a presentation for a bank client explaining all the ways preventing paste disables users.

The response: “But we have to, for security.” No ability to justify beyond that, no consideration of user impact, no offer of supporting data.

Security theater is often used to abrogate #accessibility requirements. #a11y

Microsoft announced their latest round of FOSS fund recipients. We're thrilled to share that @NVAccess are among this quarter's recipients. From:

"A project of the Microsoft Open Source Programs Office, the FOSS Fund provides up to $10,000 USD in sponsorships to open source projects as selected by Microsoft employees."

Congratulations also to The GNU Compiler Collection, Urllib3, CLAP & MSW.

#OpenSource, #FOSS #Free #Software #NVDA #ScreenReader #Accessibility #A11y

“Socks, lies, and accessibility”

Where @janmaarten shows that just a couple days after #accessiBe’s CEO promised to stop being such a lying liarface it went and used sock puppet Twitter accounts to promote its #overlay.

As I keep saying, past behavior is a predictor of future behavior (side-eyes #AudioEye, #UserWay, #FACILiti).

#a11y #accessibility

...and here we go: #id24 will return this year on 12 September 2024.

The call for presentations is now open

#a11y #accessibility #inclusiveDesign

@WestphalDenn I can't promise any guide style materials but please feel free to ask and I'm happy to answer and give recomendations if you like. Also orca list is a very friendly place where general linux #a11y topics are tolerated very often.

GAAD Raleigh 2024 — morning of May 16 at Union Station… #GAAD #a11y #accessibility #events #raleighNC

We're #hiring a remote, full-stack #Drupal developer! We build Drupal & WordPress websites for nonprofits, with a content strategy & #a11y focus. We have a 35-hour work week, 5 weeks+ paid time off annually to start, & an intentionally-small, sweet, collaborative team. We are woman- and queer*-owned and led.

Must be US-based b/c we're small don't @ me we are doing our best I assure you.…

*That's me, I'm the queer co-owner.

@WestphalDenn @Talon I don't think it's that catastrophic as this sounds any more. I can't say this is not happening but it's very rare. I am on @GNOME . If I get an unresponsive experience I can press alt+F2, type in orca --replace and the screen reader comes back. I can even bind this to a global keyboard shortcut.
When I am leaving my office I am often closing some 15 browser windows, some 10 terminal windows, about 5 different files open in the text editor.
Most used apps on my desktop include #Firefox #Thunderbird file manager (pcmanfm or nautilus), Gedit, VLC media player, electron based apps such as teamsforlinux, losslesscut and gnome-terminal.
Next I'm using @LibreOffice, I am also using #Emacs with #speechd-el a little and finally some other less frequently used apps.
As for the #TTS or the #audio setup I am using #RHVoice, speech-dispatcher and @PipeWire Project .
Finally with @Matt Campbell and @Lukáš Tyrychtr we do have tallented visually disabled developers dogfooding or partially dog fooding so let me finish this post by saying it really is gold era of a linux #a11y and we are looking forward for what it brings us in the future.

Department of Justice just formally set WCAG Version 2.1, Level AA as the technical standard for government sites.…

#accessibility #a11y

How screen readers read special characters:… Be sure to read the Takeaway. #a11y #webdev #screenreaders

Our new Chief Technology Officer, Gerald Hartig, is being interviewed on Vision Australia Radio tonight at 8:10pm AEST (About 1hr 15mins after I post this). You can tune in online at:

#NVDA #ScreenReader #Accessibility #Interview #News #A11y

Lots of things happening in the AI/LLM space that could have implications for #accessibility

Ferret-UI from Apple:

ScreenAI from Google…

#a11y #ai #LLM

Sensitive content


Speaking of #overlays, there is yet another one: #WebAbility

I have already made a PR to add it to the Overlay Fact Sheet:…

As with other overlays, it makes WCAG/ADA promises, fails to fix stuff, replicates platform features (poorly) in CSS, and introduces WCAG violations just by adding it to a site.

Cool business model.

#accessibility #a11y

Wait, what? Safari/iOS/VO does not support role="group"?


Neither does Chrome/Talkback.


This web is a mess!



Must be the wrong article 🤔

Have you tested the #Fedora distribution with the #GNOME desktop environment? They work hard to make it fully accessible.

I admit that the default synthesized voices are particularly awful, but they can easily be changed with Pied.

#accessibility #a11y

"Blind internet users struggle with error-prone AI aids", reports an article in the Financial Times:…

#FT has a paywall but three articles can be accessed for free if you register.

TLDR is that AI #accessibility widgets over promise and under deliver. Repeatedly.

#AI #GenerativeAI #a11y

New #Android version of #KDEConnect coming soon, with #Accessibility improvements thanks to a review performed by the HAN University of Applied Sciences!

Looks like they have some free resources available for developers to up their #a11y game:

I wonder how accessible all those closed-source KDE Connect knock-offs are 🤔

This is an excellent guide to writing in plain English.…

"49% of adults in Canada have below high-school literacy levels, and 17% are unable to follow written instructions or read maps."

"Half adults in the U.S. struggle to read a book written for eighth-graders."

If your first instinct is 'why are people ‘dumb’?’ you are elitist and not inclusive. There are plenty of immigrants and others. As web professionals it should be your job to include *everyone*



Call for Speakers now open for #A11yTO Conf, Oct 3-4, in downtown Toronto. Due May 5 #a11y

#AudioEye has a blog post where its CAO talks about “trust, transparency, collaboration, and innovation.”

Which is code for rebranding its #overlay product without issuing refunds for its prior guarantees.

Anyway, I offer my thoughts in a bit more detail as a comment on the post that got me sued:…

#accessibility #a11y

This piece is worth reading if you’re in tech criticism or infosec/cybersecurity and are being asked for commentary on IoT and smart home devices.

People aren’t foolish for using IoT or for wanting things to be easier in their homes. This tech makes positive and meaningful change for people of all kinds of abilities. It’s valid to worry about the privacy or security issues that IoT is riddled with, but don’t draw a direct line from there to blaming the user - some people have no alternatives that don’t involve giving up independent access to their own homes and lives. Everyone deserves to live in ways that fit their needs.

Instead, join the push to hold manufacturers and providers to account for poor security and privacy practices. Advocate for better, more respectful and accessible default configurations. Help people understand how to anticipate and mitigate the worst of these issues when they’re setting things up, and give them power and agency over their home systems.

We all deserve to have tech that works for us, in all the ways that matters.

#a11y #infosec
#iot #smarthome…

I just updated my screen reader, #NVDA, to version 2024.1.

A few notes of interest:

All add-ons I consider essential work. Remote isn't updated yet but TeleNVDA is.
Unspoken, which I maintain, hasn't been updated but can be force enabled and works. Some time this week I'll issue a new release.
Of the non-essential add-ons that I'd like to have but haven't tried forcing, I'd highlight Instant Translate and Calibre.

I've also made a donation. I encourage others to contribute to NVDA, with code, translations, time or money, if their situation permits. NVDA doesn't update itself. It's not only my favourite screen reader, but it's essential to keep our needs in focus, maintain our independence, and avoid monopoly.

Thanks to NV Access for another release.

#NVDASR #a11y #accessibility

I just did a post on #Bluesky pointing out that the #A11y issues that impact screen reader users it’s had since Day One and the message we're getting from their developers is we aren't welcome there. This is particularly interesting as more and more accounts from Twitter, all of which concerned with human rights in some way, are going over there. Blind people may be slowly bweing left in the dark, particularly for info surrounding #BIPOC, #LGBTQIA! and #PopCulture matters. (1/2)

Mobile keyboard testing — great resources by Workday from #CSUNATC24
#mobile #keyboard #a11y

Great stuff! "A letter to my younger self, as an accessibility advocate"…
by heather buchel #a11y #UIDesign

Making data visualizations accessible:… Great advice on alt text, color, usage, keyboard access, and code. #a11y #UIDesign #webdesign

IAAP wants disabled people, including photographers, to do work for free. And not even just for the course, the license is CC-Zero which allows anyone to do anything with it.

IAAP charges for these courses. Do not submit your photos. Everyone, but especially people who are disadvantaged, have the right for fair and just compensation. Outrageous!


#a11y via @kc

I was going to boost this as a good example of a well-written image description, but does this work?

(Don't have access to a screen reader right now.)…

#accessibility #a11y #ImageDescription

I have to explore that use of DT further as it seems pretty niche and obscure (people on the forum didn't make such a topic before) but I am confident it can be done and it can help.
4. Paperwork: I have many invoices, serial numbers, contracts, acts and many other legal stuff. Everyone does but the problem with me is that I am helping some others with their paperwork. With advanced organization capability of DT I can very easily see which paper belongs to whom and whether I have already filled it, whether its a template that I can reuse over and over to ask my dear government for a piece of bread or whatever else that comes to mind. Another awesome thing is the automatic OCR feature, I have set up a simple smart rule which automatically OCRs every non-textual PDF, and since DT interfaces with Finereader's engine the results is very good, I would dare to say its better than the official Finereader for Mac, but that is subjective, might be inaccurate or accurate only in certain scenarios, be ware.
I have just wrote four things that came to mind otherwise this would become the second Bible, but the tool has endless use cases. Its not cheap and its not for everyone, but if you want to try it it has a very fair trial. If you have any questions, let me know. Let's learn DEVON Think together!
#blind #accessibility #a11y #VoiceOver #Mac #software (2/2)

With the recent release of the second developer preview of #android Vanilla Ice Cream, I thought it'd be a good time to re-test and update my running list of #a11y known issues. Although some frustrating issues remain, things continue to improve! I'm especially pleased by the recently added Braille gestures, increasing uptake of accessibility actions, and eSpeak build system updates.…

Not a huge sample size, but the results are in!

If you use #Matrix, drop an #AltText comment below your images and screencasts for #ScreenReader, #Braille and other #Accessibility tools until we get support in the spec:…

#a11y #Element #Fractal #Cinny #FluffyChat #Quaternion #NeoChat #GNOME #KDE #elementaryOS #XFCE

Are there freelance #accessibility people or those who have time to work on a possible audit? If you're a beginner in the field and haven't done this kind of work, let me know as well. I'm willing to mentor. Please DM.

#a11y #WCAG