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Items tagged with: WIndows

After a recent #Windows update Windows #Explorer, when moving from a folder to another folder, started alerting me with: "Working on it…".
I mean, it's crazy! What are you *working* on, you piece of… software? Is it a huge task to move me from one folder to another? Are you carrying me manually on your shoulders to that folder or what? It always used to be a super fast thing to do! I mean… O tempora, o mores.

How to Wirelessly Transfer Files Between Windows, macOS, Linux, and Mobile

Check it out! 👇…

#Ios #Ipados #Macos #Windows #Files #Mac

If you develop on #Windows, I could use your quick assistance on this #curl issue:…

What would a justification for this behavior be? I'm going to assume someone had a good reason to change from convention...


relax, #windows users are used to it. I use #emacs with the #magit #git porcelain all day, and each operation is like that: unnoticeable delay on #linux, several seconds on Windows.

turns out #Windows is slow to fail connect attempts to non-listening ports entirely on purpose because it waits and resends the SYN several times, contrary to how other TCP stacks behave.…

I can press letters to access my #Windows #TaskBar items again. Now where did I put my happy face?

It's now been 9 years since #Windows 10 was officially released - anyone here upgrade day 1?

#WhatsApp for #Windows lets Python, PHP scripts execute with no warning

Granted, Python needs to be installed on the system prior.

Meta says they will not bother to fix this, despite maintaining a built-in list of potentially dangerous file types (ex: .exe)

#security #cybersecurity #messengers…

@storm do you remember the stuff you had to do to get games and the like to work with #Quickemu and #Windows 10?

I was nominated for the #Microsoft MVP program, but even though I am the main author of #curl that ships with #Windows since many years now, I barely know any "Microsoft technology" so I could not fill in the form without taking some... eh, "liberties".

I'm pretty confident they will just discard it and I will not be sorry.

* Please boost *

Which office suite(s) do you use at least once a week? (in a typical week)

Please only answer the poll *if* you use #office software, such as #wordprocessor, #spreadsheet #presentation software, etc.

#LibreOffice #MSOffice #MicrosoftOffice #GoogleDocs #CalligraSuite #Calligra #FreeOffice #SoftmakerOffice #Gnumeric #CollaboraOffice #CollaboraOnline #OpenOffice #OnlyOffice #Microsoft365 #WordPerfectOffice #WPSOffice #iWork #Windows #Linux #macOS #Android #iOS

  • LibreOffice (60%, 138 votes)
  • Microsoft Office (38%, 87 votes)
  • Google Docs (30%, 69 votes)
  • Other (please reply and explain) (5%, 13 votes)
229 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

No, Southwest Airlines is not still using Windows 3.1

A story that's been persistently making the rounds since the CrowdStrike event is that while several airline companies were affected in one way or another, Southwest Airlines escaped the mayhem because they were still using windows 3.1. It's a great story that fits the current zeitgeist about technology and its role in society, un…


This demonstrates a thing that I’m sure serious security pros (and their adversaries) have long known: These Windows security products are a highly attractive attack surface for serious professional Bad Guys. They run in God mode and are typically purchased by IT-management types via the “enterprise software sales” process. (Think: golf.)

I wonder how many of them are already deeply compromised? I am certain that the number is not zero.
#Crowdstrike #Windows #infosec

Sorry, why are our essential services use #WIndows? What gives?…

Hey fellow #Linux users, despite the #CrowdStrike problem only affecting #Windows, this is not a windows problem.

This is an "automatic update that got forced onto everyone with insufficient testing while also having way too many permissions" problem.

If you think big corps wouldn't run something similar on Linux, I have a an NFT of a bridge to sell you.

so uhh... is booting in safe mode on #windows #accessible with a #screenReader yet? :) #crowdstrike
Fortunately not bit by this but it did make me curious

Loving this new #computer so far! It took a little setup and help from my mom, but now that it's set up, it's working great! It really flies with 32 gb #RAM. For now I've decided to keep #Windows11 on it because I'm applying to take an digital #accessibility analyst course where they seem to want you using either #Windows or a #Mac. I was also more productive with Windows in some ways because of #JAWS features like split Braille. I do miss the #commandLine though. Windows and Windows #screenReaders have so many keyboard shortcuts that I struggle to remember them, and I found the #commandLine a lot easier. Also, my mom panicked when I talked about putting #Linux on this computer. She said every time I've put Linux on a computer, it broke, and I didn't have an argument against that. She also pretty much said I'd be on my own if I put Linux on this one and it broke. I am thinking about dual booting if that can be done #accessibly or creating an #ArchLinux #virtualMachine.
It's about 1:30 AM here, and I have a procedure for injections in my head and neck to help with headaches and neck pain around noon, so I should really be getting to bed, but I find new #tech so hard to walk away from. Can anyone relate?
#accessibility #technology #blind

i'm getting a new #computer today and I'm so excited! It's got a 13th generation I7 processor, 32 gb RAM, and 512 gb storage. It comes with #Windows11 on it, but I'm debating about putting #archLinux on it. I think I will. With a computer with these specs, I can get Wine so I can use #windows programs. I'll miss some #JAWS features, but there are a lot of things I like about #linux. My computer should be here within the next couple hours, and I can't wait!!!

I wonder, why everything that #JetBrains make is so poorly accessible? Even with their #screenReader support it's a huge pain to work with. Actually, I've never seen a really fast and accessible #Windows application written in #Java. #Accessibility

Yesterday I had to print several documents, and my HP printer had severe connection problems that I needed to resolve. As outcome I learned that #Microsoft silently released a new print queue app which is almost inaccessible. The interface is overall counterintuitive and, unlike in previous Windows app, you cannot easily get to your jobs list in the queue (with JAWS, you need to dance with JAWS cursor, and I have no idea how to do it in NVDA or Narrator). #Accessibility #Windows

Random #Windows tip of the day

What to do if the text on your screen is too small? 👀

Well, there are a few options

If everything is a little small, you might consider changing your scaling in Display Settings

If just one random thing is too small, even if that app doesn't have zoom, you can always pull up Magnifier with WIN + Plus to zoom in (WIN + Minus to zoom out, WIN + Esc to close)

If text in general across Windows is too small, then check out the text size option under Accessibility

This post will be more about #Tech, school, and hobbies. I've been using a computer running #ArchLinux for a while now. I had a computer with #Windows10, but it wasn't running so great so I tried to put #Linux on it. Something went wrong and it wouldn't boot.
My mom had another computer she let me put Linux on. It's not as good as the other and only has 4 gb of RAM and 64 gb storage, but I can't afford anything better. I tried #Ubuntu and #LinuxMint, but I didn't like how out of date software was. Now I'm on #Arch and like a lot of things about it. My biggest issues are that I wish #Braille support was better and there are one or two apps I haven't been able to find equivalents for, or what I've found isn't as good. I love the customizability though, and the way you can put just what you want on the computer and no more. I also like the #commandLine. On #Windows, I was a #JAWS user, and there are some features I miss from that, particularly #PictureSmart, #SplitBraille, and being able to configure profiles for websites. The one Windows app I haven't found a good equivalent for is one called Perky Duck. It's an editor that lets you create Braille files using six keys on your computer keyboard. There's a Linux app called BrailleZephyr, but it has far fewer features and isn't as easy to use. This is needed for the #BrailleTranscription course I'm taking. I'm using BrailleZephyr now because it's my only choice unless I want to write my lessons with a Braillewriter and mail them in. I'm also trying to find an #accessible #Telegram client. I tried the web and desktop apps and they were both inaccessible.
I also tried some #gardening a while back. We were doing it inside but it had to be moved outside and my mom wound up caring for the #plants because it's usually too hot for me out there, but a couple nights ago, she took me out there to pick a #cucumber. I got to pick it, she cut it up, and we ate it. It was so much better than storebought cucumber! There are more growing, too, so that won't be the last one we pick. Helping grow and then picking that cucumber was really satisfying.
#accessibility #technology #gardening

Pred pár dňami sme vďaka @Zvonimir Stanecic a ďalším dobrovoľníkom zverejnili prvý slovenský ženský hlas pre #rhvoice. Hlas dostal aj pekné netradičné meno Jasietka. K dispozícii sú hlasy pre #Windows #nvdasr #android aj #linux . Aktualizácie sa zároveň dočkala aj celková podpora pre slovenčinu, vrátane už skôr zverejneného slovenského hlasu Ondro. Ak potrebujete #tts #textToSpeech k čítaču obrazovky, na čítanie kníh, inštrukcie pre GPS navigáciu, pozrite si prosím podrobnosti na jednoduchom webe.

Don’t use “Outlook (new)” in #Windows 11. I just did a tcpdump and looked also at my #mail servers when setting up an account in there. The mail client only spoke with Microsoft-servers, never with my mail-servers and I saw on my mail-servers only connections from Microsoft-IPs.

Started using this thing called AirServer on Windows, for mirroring my iPhone screen/audio to my PC. I have to use OCR to interact with it, so, AI, lol, but it does work!

#AirServer #Windows #Accessibility #app #blind

In case you missed it: #curl on #windows (the one bundled by Microsoft themselves) now ships version 8.7.1

#Windows 11 is now automatically enabling #OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

"Quietly and without any announcement, the company [#Microsoft] changed Windows 11's initial setup so that it could turn on the automatic folder backup without asking for it."

Imagine your operating system forcing all your desktop files to sync to the cloud, without letting you know it would do that. Users should be aware of when their files are synced to any cloud.

Oh wait, I forgot... Microsoft has zero regard for user choice, #privacy, and #security.


Itseems to be unnecessarily difficult to switch from 'balanced' to 'high performance' power plan in #windows. Lately though, it seems unnecessarily difficult to do quite a lot of things in windows generally.

Giving #LinuxMint a spin in a virtual machine because my mom has expressed an interest in migrating to Linux when #Windows 10 enters end-of-life. It's actually pretty darn slick and user-friendly; comes with a lot of stuff made by the Mint devs themselves for #Linux Mint, and I think it might be the perfect thing to migrate my mom over to. Will probably stick with the #Debian based LMDE.

Wer kennt IT-Menschen, die mit ihrem Unternehmen oder ihrer Organisation von #Windows auf #Linux umgestiegen sind - oder den Umstieg evaluiert und aus bestimmten Gründen wieder verworfen haben?

Wir würden gerne mal mit jemandem sprechen, der*die solche Erfahrungen gemacht hat.


I know that there are lots of Linux users here on Mastodon.
But if you use Windows on a laptop, please give an advice on how to do maximum battery saving on Windows 11.

I'm blind and so I can turn off the display, of course I turn off BT and Wi-fi because i'll be in a moving car.
I don't need to play games, I need only my VSCode, console and terminal; maybe a text editor.

Of course I know about power saving policies in Windows and I will turn them on.
I can switch to low-energy cooling with hardware button.
But I need more.
Can I somehow maybe disable CPU boost or do other things?
Maybe there is some software for that?
If you're #blind too, would be good if the software is also accessible with #screenreader.

Thanks in advance for any valuable advice.

#windows #windows11 #power_saving #askfedi

I recently created a small Windows 11 installation alongside my existing Linux installation. I couldn't get the graphical Windows installer to do what I wanted - to create a partition in the free storage space, then install the operating system to it, and then use EFI System Partition that was already there.

I found a solution online, namely, to install Windows from the command line (with diskpart to create the partition, dism to write out the operating system from the WIM file, and bcdboot to place boot files into the EFI System Partition). The only problem I encountered was that I wasn't able to review the command prompt window with Windows Narrator. It read all of the command output, but the review commands didn't work for me, whether or not it was in scan mode. There may be a solution. I've only ever used Windows Narrator to install or set up the operating system, so I'm definitely not a Narrator expert.

I'm not a Windows system administration expert either, but I'm comfortable that I can delete and recreate it if needed. It's there primarily for testing purposes and for those situations in which Microsoft Office is the best pragmatic solution to a problem (although LibreOffice under Linux is undergoing accessibility improvements these days).
#accessibility #Windows #screenReaders #SystemAdministration