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Items tagged with: windows

Did you know if you're working in the #Windows command line you can use clip to pipe the output of your command to the clipboard? 👀

For example, you can do this in cmd if you want to copy and paste the info somewhere else (rather than manually having to select the output to copy it):

systeminfo | clip

Did you know in #Windows 11 you can press WIN + CTRL + V to open a volume mixer? 👀

@FediVerseExplorer @WestphalDenn I am using web version of #element in @Firefox by default however #electron based apps are now accessible on #linux in a similar way as they are #accessible on #windows. So I think you will like it. Also #fractal a #gtk4 #matrix client developed with @GNOME technologies is accessible with #orca.

After a great week for Linux, with the releases of Fedora 40 and today Ubuntu 24.04, I would be interested to know which operating system the Fediverse in my "bubble" uses? Linux? Windows? Or macOS or even a BSD? More than one?

Please write in the comments which distribution or version! Thanks for participating and SHARING!

#linux #unix #opensource #freesoftware #windows #microsoft #apple #macos #bsd #freebsd #openbsd #netbsd #debian #fedora #ubuntu #linuxmint #archlinux #opensuse #gnome #kde

  • Linux - Which one? (71%, 50 votes)
  • Windows 10/11 (15%, 11 votes)
  • macOS (20%, 14 votes)
  • FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD (30%, 21 votes)
70 voters. Poll end: 2 days ago

Might as well ask! This is for both tech and non-tech peeps

* If you are on windows, what keeps you on windows? If you wanted to switch, why and what information do you want to help resolve this?

* What is computer literacy to you? Like, you can split this off into different levels as well like basic, intermediate, expert of use a primary-school, high-school framing.

I guess if I was to give a clear constraint here, I'm interested to know what you think adults or someone who is mid-way through high-school should be capable of doing.

Bonus one as well:
* What do you think is currently wrong with computer education programs, these vary wildly but I am curious about this as well!

#linux #windows #microsoft #tech

today I've heard for the first time about the #RigelA open-source screen reader project for #Windows written in #RustLang. Unfortunately only Readme has an English version, all other documents and code comments are in chinese, but the project seems very promising. Use Google Translate or another translator if you, like me, don't speak Chinese.

I love how on #macOS when you intend to move a bunch of files to a folder, and when one file with the same name already exists in the destination, you're only given the option to stop the entire thing, to replace the existing file, or move anyway under a different name. Not a single option that just... idk... skip moving that one (or however many affected) file maybe? The best thing is, that stop option, the dialog that asks you gives you a checkmark option to "Apply to all" (unchecked by default) - bcos of this, a user unfamiliar with #Finder's brilliance might assume that "stop" simply means "skip" commonly found on other OS-es including #Windows and #Linux for file operations such as moving/copying, 'cept not, "stop" literally just stops doing anything.

Oh, also, you can't even enjoy what you have found to be so common such as doing a shift-click selection on Finder... unless you happen to be in the right "view" mode. That simple thing couldn't even just... work. I honestly can go on and on about how slow that piece of shit is at performing searches or copying/moving files, or how modifying all the ridiculous preferences take forever bcos they hide in multiple, nonsensical places when on #Dolphin for example, you get one nice menu with sensible tabs and options where you could do wtv needs doing in ~1 minute. Heck, even setting the default app to be used to open a certain file type requires a hidden shortcut that then opens up a stupid looking window at the edge of your screen with tiny af buttons and GOSH I CAN GO ON FOREVER.

Fuck Finder, honestly. I'd take that ugly ass #FileExplorer anyday of the week if it means I don't have to deal with Finder. Thank god I'm a Linux user, blessed with #KDE's Dolphin. I'm almost certain #Apple only hires interns for anything software over there.

Update: Found a fix! Just use the terminal ❤

Content warning: Accessibility question, audio conferencing

Dnes si dovolím odkázať na veľmi vydarený český hlas pre hlasový výstup #TTS #RHVoice. Sám autor o tom píše tu: . O použití pre #Windows #Linux a #Android sa dočítate aj na jednoduchej komunitnej stránke . Gro používateľov sú ťažko zrakovo postihnutí používatelia, ktorí si bez kvalitného hlasového výstupu a čítača obrazovky nedokážu svoj digitálny život predstaviť, možno ale aj vám by sa mohol hodiť takýto hlas pre váš počítač či smartfón nezávislí od obrovských korporácií. Mohli by ste ho napr. použiť na čítanie kníh alebo počas navigácii cez GPS.

A Windows user, a Mac user, and a Linux user walk into a bar.

➡️ The #Windows user orders a beer and gets into a fight over how bloated the selection is.

➡️ The #Mac user orders the most expensive single-origin craft cocktail and smugly admires its minimalist design.

➡️ The #Linux user installs a whole brewery in the corner and declares free drinks for everyone, but then spends the rest of the night explaining why their homemade brew is objectively superior.

The third edition of David Kingsbury’s popular free digital book, “The Windows Screen Reader Primer: All the Basics and More,” is coming soon! Author David Kingsbury, an Assistive Technology Instructor here at the Carroll Center, wrote this comprehensive resource to help JAWS, NVDA, and Windows Narrator users work more effectively with the most important PC applications—like Microsoft Office, email clients, and web browsers.

Join author David Kingsbury via Zoom on Thursday, April 4 at 7:30 pm ET to find out what’s new in this edition, hear a few tips and tricks, and ask your questions. Save your seat here:

#Windows #Jaws #NVDA #Narrator #blind

hey y'all. what apps would you suggest for Windows with NVDA for listening to podcasts?

#blind #nvda #windows #accessibility

NLS BARD Express. You can now listen to NLS Audio Books and Magazine's right on your Windows computer using the BARD Express software. So now you can do everything right from BARD Express; search and find the books you want, add them to your wish list or download them, and now play and listen to them! The Tek Talk podcast had two gentlemen from NLS to talk about and demostrate the new BARD Express software. You can check it out and give it a listen here... #TekTalk #NLS #BARD #BardExpress #Windows #AudioBooks #Blind

@AppleVis I made a post the other day, about using #place-markers in #jaws & @DavidGoldfield surprised me by sharing it on his Twitter page. Can I share it to the new #Windows section of your website, for more exposure?

Watching this with interest: first #AI (ChatGPT) based screen

This could change the screen reader paradigm and I'll try the #Windows version when it's available, but I worry that using it for work and remaining #GDPR compliant will not be possible.

This also heralds a much bigger paradigm change - the UI for everyone will change and the GUI as we know it may well disappear.

I missed to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the real #curl being shipped bundled in #Windows on March 1st...

Plans on dropping #curl #Windows x86 (32-bit) binaries

This weekend I was using a Windows 11 box with NVDA to help out a sighted relative with their computer.

I don't understand what the hell they've done with explorer. I open it and can't find the list and tree views to navigate through drives and directory trees. Is there a trick or is it as dire as I think? I ended up raging out and launching it from the command prompt on whichever directory I had to navigate to do cutting and pasting and so on.

#windows #NVDASR #a11y

Hello. hope this is working correctly. First time posting with Tweezecake on my new Windows desktop. Super excited. Using NVDA here.

#blind #accessibility #windows #nvda #tweezecake

Apparently the #BurgerKing in #Bodø uses an non-activated #Windows 😂

what's the best way to format a USB stick so it can be shared between a #linux & #windows computer?

Importantly, I want files >4 GiB.

Do you, or have you ever, used a graphical user interface? If you use #Windows, #macOS, or any version of #Linux with a window manager or desktop environment, you can thank Dr. Clarence "Skip" Ellis.

Dr. Ellis worked at Xerox PARC, the research organization that developed the modern GUI. Icons, windows, the mouse, Ethernet-based networking, laser printing - all of these (and more) came out of PARC. Dr. Ellis led the team that created Officetalk, the first program to use icons and the Internet. He got his start at 15 years old showing a local tech company how to reuse punch cards, which was a game-changer back in 1958.

Oh, and he was also the first black man to earn a PhD in Computer Science.

#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistory #BlackMastodon #ComputerScience @blackmastodon

To #blind #techies, does anyone have any suggestions for a pair of noise canceling #headphones purchasable on #Amazon that can connect to my computer running #Windows10, preferrably wirelessly or through Bluetooth. It's even better if they can somehow also connect to a second device and let me hear when my mom calls my #iPhone. This would be something I could use with my computer on days when our dogs are barking a lot so I don't get such bad #SensoryOverLoad. Of course, they need to also either not have software for the computer, or that software needs to be somewhat #accessible. My budget right now is about $80, but I may have up to $120 or so if I wait a day or two.
@mastoblind #ActuallyAutistic #accessibility #iOS #tech #technology #Windows #WindowsTen

If you have a windows laptop and an iphone, and the laptop can't connect to the iphone hotspot, change the name of your phone to 1 word. Apparently windowz has problems with phone names that have spaces in them.

Figured this out for a customer yesterday.

#windows #iphone #hotspot

Random #windows tip -

If you restart your PC using the command "shutdown -t 0 -g", it will reopen the apps you had open before the reboot (the ones that support it at least)

Any #rust developers on #windows interested in a working on #network and #dns code? It’s OSS, this would be if you had a hobby interest or need this software at your work. We’ve had this long standing issue in Hickory Resolver, a big performance issue in the Windows implementation:

There are two ways to add your keys to #FileZilla.

You can add your keys inside the "Site Manager":

Go to:
File -> Site manager ..

Screen of FileZilla showing where to find the option

In the settings panel for a given site select sFTP:
Screen of FileZilla showing where to find the option

Add domain IP or domain name:
Screen of FileZilla showing where to find the option

Logon Type:
Select "Key File"
Screen of FileZilla showing where to find the option

Add the user name to log onto the server:
Screen of FileZilla showing where to find the option

Browse for the .ppk you want to add and select it:
FileZilla offers you also to add .pem (privkey.pem) files, that's the #puTTy option for a file containing only the extracted private key of keyfile.ppk. At the same time FileZilla doesn't read/accept .pem files so it will prompt you to transform it into a .ppk file. If your .ppk is protected by a password (it should be), you get prompted to insert the password.
It is not clear if the newly created .ppk file from the .pem file by FileZilla is protected with the same password. It doesn't feel like that.
Screen of fileZilla showing where to find the option Screen of fileZilla showing where to find the option

Save the changes and connect to your server.

The other option to add your key to FileZilla is by adding it directly to the main settings.

Go to:
Edit-> Settings ..

Screen of FileZilla showing where to find the option

Choose SFTP and select the "Add key file" tab:
Screen of FileZilla showing where to find the option

Add the key file and save.
If you use the input fields and quick connect options of the main FileZilla window, the keys saved in settings will be retrieved.

#linux #windows #howTo #fediVerse

friendica VPS setup on ubuntu 22.04 LTS

@Friendica Support

I'm working on my first #friendica #VPS installation, here you'll find my initial post about general thoughts like what distro to use, size and costs.
I'm using the tutorial "creating a friendica server - ubuntu" by @Hank G ☑️.

As of now I'm doing well in the process and want to start this post to document differences and questions while installing the server.

This server is going to host an already existing friendica node I have to move from another hosting provider. That means that for example the DB doesn't have to be created from scratch but moved and other smaller details.

I will try to address the different steps of installation in answers to this post and appreciate help, ideas and observations.

I'm doing this from a #linux desktop environment from the console but there shouldn't be differences if you want to do this from a #windows machine.

#fediVerse #tutorial #fediHelp #activityPub

I've written a #tutorial on how to program #accessible #native #gui #windows applications in #rust using the native-windows-gui library:

Also available in Spanish:

#a11y #programming

Bueno, ya he sacado tutorial. Aquí os explico como programar una aplicación de #gui nativa para #windows con #rust, y #accesible.

#a11y #programming

If you're trying to update an old #windows virtual machine that can no longer receive updates, so Windows 95 to XP, you may find this site useful:

#Microsoft wants to move #Windows fully to the cloud.

Don't let them force you to log on to their servers to monitor and control you every time you need your computer.

Take back your desktop! Use Plasma!


Well, after finding out that #WhaleBird a decent enough accessible MacOS client for use with #Misskey, you'll see me post on here from time to time now as well! Most of the time I'll still be posting on my Mastodon account, though watch this space! Three-Thousand characters is more than i ever would need myself, but I'll take it!

For users of #VoiceOver, the 'J' & 'k' keys currently do not speak under the curssor what the post is, thus nornal VO commands for now are necessary. Definitely a client for #Blind users to check out though!

NB. As noted among the GitHub page, WhaleBird is also available for #Windows and #Linux, though I'll leave those builds to you guys!