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Items tagged with: matrix

Gnah ... dieses #Matrix, ne? ... Was ist eine sichere Variante, das zu verwenden? Ich muss wohl jetzt für ein Projekt. Gibt's ne Möglichkeit, den eigenen Account zu schützen? Zero-knowledge auf dem Server und Kontaktsperren für alle, außer einer Handvoll explizit erlaubten Accounts, so dass auch Server-Admins nichts von meinen Nachrichten sehen können? Ist blöd, wenn man Matrix-Admins explizit misstraut ...

GOSIM 2024 Europe Will Be Held in the Netherlands on May 6th: Embrace the Global Open Source Wave and Build a New Era of AI Here comes the GOSIM 2024 Europe!

For more information please visit:

Scan or register here:

#rust #rustlang #rustnl #opensource #gui #mobile #app #ai #fediverse #matrix #gosim

Introducing the nominees for our first ever Governing Board elections 🎉 We are grateful to everyone who has raised their hands, and are positively overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and vision expressed by our nominees:

Get to know the candidates, and get ready: voting begins on May 18th.

#Matrix #OpenSource #FOSS #Governance

Ich nutze für #Chat fast nur#XMPP und #Matrix.
Matrix hat in den letzten Jahren so zugelegt, dass ich da inzwischen einen privaten und zwei berufliche ID's habe.
Matrix sehe ich auch deshalb als Vorteil, weil es viele öffentliche Räume für alle möglichen interessanten Themen gibt, z.B. GNOME Accessibility...
Was mir aber am besten gefällt ist, dass es ne Reihe unterschiedlicher Clients für alle möglichen Geräte und OS'es gibt und keine Verknüpfung mit ner TelNr oder Handy.

Man könnte den Homeserver der Engagierten ausprobieren

Nachdem #Telegram ziemlich eindeutig Nazisymbolik im letzten "Hey guck mal wie tol wir sind"-Pitch verwendet hat, gehen mir langsam die barrierefreien Messenger aus. Die Partnerin und ich überlegen, es mal mit #Matrix zu versuchen und sind etwas erschlagen davon, wo man anfängt. Selbst hosten ist zumindest momentan keine Option. Wo ist es denn angenehm?

Quick reminder that @element built a metaverse that works better than anything Facebook has shown, for a fraction of the investment, and built entirely on free and open source technology including @matrix :

#Matrix #ThirdRoom

@FediVerseExplorer @WestphalDenn I am using web version of #element in @Firefox by default however #electron based apps are now accessible on #linux in a similar way as they are #accessible on #windows. So I think you will like it. Also #fractal a #gtk4 #matrix client developed with @GNOME technologies is accessible with #orca.

"Xfce is moving from IRC to Matrix"

An announcement from Xfce developer Alexander Schwinn(alexxcons):

#Xfce #Matrix

If you run your own #synapse #matrix server you probably want to update to v1.105.1 now:
I've read your reply to questions about working with #Gnome on #Linux. Thanx for your insights!

What interests me:
Is the #Electron#Desktop#App#Element for #Matrix#Chat accessible for #blind#users? You use it?


:microsoft: ➡️ :matrix: It's a Big Freaking Deal when we can move any #UnitedNations organization away from #Microsoft.

The system-wide IT shop UNICC has announced its move to #Matrix:

I hope the UN can make it work but the federated decentralised approach makes sense. The United Nations ditches Big Tech in a bid for security | TechRadar
#security #encryption #element #matrix #UN #IT #decentralized #federated

Using @matrix at scale isn't fun. There are way too many matrix moment™ situations to count.

And now it was discovered that maybe there's a problem where banned users can still read rooms with their banned accounts?

Seriously, has anyone using #matrix ever been involved with moderation?

Finally found time to sign up and become a foundation member of the Do it now! It's a quick and easy form. Takes five minutes and you're helping to secure the financial independence of #Matrix. #FOSS

We're very happy to use a free and open source, decentralized tool for chat - @matrix has been a great resource! Fedora contributors can easily connect with each other or outside communities with a single account.

All users who make a Fedora Account are able generate a related Matrix account from

Learn more about Matrix and how Fedora uses it!

#Matrix #Element #Fedora #OpenSource

#Followerpower ist gefragt. Nachdem großen Update der Messenger-Matrix habe ich noch den Line-Messenger ergänzt. Ich bitte alle #Follower mal einen prüfenden Blick auf die Matrix zu werfen - insbesondere auf jene Messenger, die ihr selbst benutzt. Sollten Angaben nicht stimmen bzw. überarbeitet werden, so meldet das bitte. Entweder hier oder über die Projektseite.

#messenger #element #matrix #signal #simplex #telegram #line
#threema #viber #whatsapp #wire

is there a hosting provider that offeres managed email, xmpp, and matrix hosting as a single bundle?

#AskFedi #xmpp #email #matrix #hosting

Now is a good time to become a Matrix Foundation member, because it will allow you to vote for members of the new Governing Board, who will support and guide Matrix.


Wir suchen EntwicklerInnen, die Lust auf #matrix und #Kotlin / #KotlinMultiplatform haben. Wir entwickeln den und möchten Menschen finden, die gut in unser kleines Team passen und Spaß an agiler Produktentwicklung ohne Hierarchien haben. Viel von dem, was wir entwickeln ist #opensource. Mehr dazu hier:

Würde mich freuen, wenn das gut geteilt wird 🙂

So I'm just a few days into running my #Matrix server, and I have to say that doing any kind of public server that requires moderation seems like a very half-baked proposition right now.

Using any kind of bot for moderation—the only real option because bans do not propagate to all rooms in a "space,"—requires an encryption hall pass proxy that hasn't seen a commit in almost a year, despite several bugs. That's to say nothing of the awful state of documentation.

I'm soldiering on, but this is some classic open source nonsense. "Leave the easy proprietary platforms and just host your own thing! Here's no help at all, also this and that don't work. RTFM! Except the TFM isn't finished."

Thanks for replying. As far as using tax payer funds to support #Matrix, I know that there would be massive resistance to this idea in the #UnitedStates 🇺🇸 (using taxes to fund anything long term is always controversial, regardless of the reason).

I do believe managed hosting would be a better option to support your foundation, which is a path that #WordPress, #WriteFreely & #Minds are using.

"You have to understand, we’re responsible for taxpayer money here. We can’t just make a donation to your open source project."

— a national government who relies on #Matrix when being asked to support it financially

Read more about the problem and some initiatives that are responding to it:

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS #funding #xz #sustainability

Open source infrastructure *must* be a publicly funded service, and funders need to support maintenance – not just new feature development 📣

This is on our minds this week in the wake of the #xz news, and as we continue to seek funding to support #Matrix.

Read the latest from project lead, @matthew:

#OpenSource #FOSS #OpenStandards

Tomorrow's the official start of #30DayFOSSChallenge! We've got a few people chatting in the #matrix already:

Feel free to join us. Don't know what I'm talking about? Look here:

#foss #floss #opensource #freeculture #degoogle #indieweb

Ja tinc creada la classe Python per a connectar a l'API de #Matrix (em sento com si fos Neo 😂).
La classe inclou, per ara, tres mètodes:
- obtenir informació d'un usuari ✅
- registrar un nou usuari ✅
- llistar usuaris :loading:
Els mètodes amb ✅ funcionen perfectament. Encara no he provat el que llista els usuaris.
Ja he alliberat el projecte sencer:

Aquest codi permet als usuaris locals d'un servidor #Mastodon registrar-se ells mateixos en un servidor Matrix/Synapse.

In the glory days of web 1.0, social websites would prominently link out to their digital neighbors via lists known as webrings; magical doorways to an expansive hinterland of digital villages.

Let's envision what a truly federated chat like #Matrix could do to improve the cross-connectivity of chat channels. Most of these features are already possible, they just haven't been implemented yet in a community-oriented client experience.

#CommuneApp #fediverse #community

Hey, I'm currently doing a little research on the cost of modern social media and messaging, given that cost is an everlasting discussion when trying to move people to more free alternatives.

I am still looking for data for messaging, such as #XMPP and #Matrix. So if you have or know someone who operates a somewhat sizable instance for either XMPP or Matrix and would potentially share some details about operational cost with me I would love to hear about it! :)

Thank you so much! 💙


Not a huge sample size, but the results are in!

If you use #Matrix, drop an #AltText comment below your images and screencasts for #ScreenReader, #Braille and other #Accessibility tools until we get support in the spec:

#a11y #Element #Fractal #Cinny #FluffyChat #Quaternion #NeoChat #GNOME #KDE #elementaryOS #XFCE

#imessage joined the post quantum encryption game

Will #matrix also do the same? @element @matrix

#element #privacy

Most annoying?

#threads #clothing #c #debugging #matrix #meta

  • Loose clothing threads (31%, 6 votes)
  • Debugging C threads (15%, 3 votes)
  • Matrix threads (15%, 3 votes)
  • Meta threads (36%, 7 votes)
19 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

Contributing to Codeberg:

There are now chat rooms for #Backups and #Ceph under the Codeberg #Matrix space:

Consider joining the efforts if you are interested.

Full list of areas looking for contribution, including non-technical work:

Are you a #ScreenReader and/or #Braille user on #Matrix?

Should we be adding messages as captions until #AltText is supported?

#A11Y #Accessibility #BRLTTY #FOSS #OpenSource #Element #GNOME #KDE #elementaryOS #XFCE

  • Yes, always. (66%, 4 votes)
  • A quick summary is fine, I'll ask if I need more (16%, 1 vote)
  • As long as you do it if I ask. (16%, 1 vote)
6 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

Coding Matrix in Rust | 2023-03-14

Coding our Matrix bot in Rust. This time:

  • Finished !greet, making sure it only affects this room
  • Started on a schema upgrade for the arnie plugin, so we can have multiple personalities

Next time:

  • More work on allowing multiple people, so we can !arnie !person !add and make a new one